Here it is the start of another week, and I am thinking that just getting more of the things moved forward would be nice. There are so many things that I would like to achieve, so will see how things go.
I am still trying to make some progress on a bunch of things, so will see how things go. There are still so many things that I would like to get some of the stuff achieved. I am going to try and make sure that I can continue to get things achieved, so will see how it goes.
Mini the Forgotten - this week I didn't get a lot of time to focus on this piece, but that doesn't bother me because I know that it is a project that I will be working on for a while. The black floss is still the focus on this piece, and hopefully before the end of the year I will be able to continue to move this forward. It would be nice too more of this done before the end of the year and now just to see what happens. I would like to see if at least I can move the black forward before the end of the year.
New Doors - this is the project that got the most attention of my cross stitch projects. This piece was started on my birthday in 2022, and I would like to see it finished before my birthday in 2023.
It has been interesting working on this piece because there aren't that many colours, but it does take a lot of time to work on some of the areas. Currently, I am trying to work on both the left side of the pattern, but also I am trying to get as much of the black done as I can. I may be moving the q-snap this week so that I can continue to get more of the border completed, as it would make happy to see that the border is at least to the point where I know that it meets up.

I have now reached the 55% complete on this project, and I would like to make a bit more progress on it before the end of the year. It might not be finished before the end of the year, but at least seeing that I am getting closer to a finish would be nice. What I have been trying to do with this project is to move it forward at 5% increments, and it has been helping. The project isn't very big, compared to some of the other projects I have done, but making sure that I can see at least some progress makes it a lot easier.
This coming week I will try and make a bit more progress on this piece as it would be nice to see more of the keys and locks stitched. Hopefully, next blog there will be more of a change to this piece, but will see how this week really goes.
Wavy lace scarf - here is a project that I haven't worked on for quite some time, and I figured it was time to pull it out and get some progress on it. I only worked on it on Sunday, but at least I was able to see some progress. It would be nice to see more of this project moved forward, as I would like to see that I have moved this forward, and I am getting closer to finishing this ball of yarn before the end of the year.
This project has been sitting for a while, so now that it is back out, I will be working on seeing if I can get it finished before too long.
Simple Triangle Shawl - this week I have continued to focus on getting more of the triangle shawl completed. What I have been doing is trying to knit around 1-hour most days just to see how much of this project I can get done. I didn't get 7-hours done on the scarf this week, but at least I have been able to see some excellent progress on it.
It feels so nice just seeing that I can pick up a project and work on it for a while most days and by the end of the week see some pretty good progress on it. This shawl may end up a little larger than the other versions I have done, but that doesn't bother me because it is something that I have been enjoying working on. Once this shawl is finished, I'm maybe picking up a bunch of the other projects that I have started, as I would like to see more projects finished before too long.
Other projects - in the last week I did pick up my English Paper piecing one day but didn't get a lot of progress done on it. It is always nice to have a bunch of different things that I can pick up and work on depending on how I am feeling each day and now much time I have available for working on something.
I hope everyone is finding that bit of time each day to do something that you enjoy doing. It might not be a lot of time, but at least being able to see some progress on something is nice. If you read or even watch TV, it means that you are taking the time for yourself and recharging that personal battery.
This coming week, I am not sure what I will be trying to accomplish, but I hope that I will be able to show you some of the things that I worked on. Until next week, remember to continue to take that personal time each day to ensure that you are recharging your personal batteries so that you are there for those around you.