Here it is the start of another week and yes we are still dealing with more and more cases of Covid-19 in Toronto. It looks like some restaurants maybe able to start to reopen for in store eating but will have to see how that goes next week. For us it doesn't make much of a difference as we continue to support our clients from home.
Blushing - now here is a project that got some love in the last week and I am very happy with the results. I had been joking around earlier in October that I was going to get it finished by the end of the month but wasn't sure if that was really going to happen but it did. On October 30th I was able to put the last few stitches in on the piece and am very happy with how it turned out. I have ironed it yet so the picture still isn't the best but at least it shows that it is finished and now to start working on some other projects.
Here are some details about this pattern:
Started June 12, 2020
Finished October 30, 2020
Number of stitches: 30,625
# of colours: 90
I really enjoyed this piece and can't wait to see it framed and hanging on one of the walls here at home.
Of course once this was finished there was another challenge and that was what project I am going to work on. I have some projects that I am thinking about working on but as of right now I haven't decided on the project that I am going to focus on so maybe the next couple of months I will just have some fun and work on some different projects and let January 1st be when I start the next big project.
Moonstone - as I said I wasn't sure what I was going to work on after finishing Blushing so I picked up this smaller design. Yes, it is full coverage but it is a lot smaller as it is only 81 stitches squares. I decided that this piece I was going to work on some canvas that I had so I am stitching this on 23 count canvas and it is Moonstone by Carolyn Manning. The pattern has 1 big piece and 4 smaller versions and I decided to work on one of the smaller versions.
Of course, this piece used a lot fewer colours so that means that I am enjoying working on the larger sections but also seeing some good progress on it quickly. I am not sure how much time this project will get as it will really depend on how it catches my attention and also what else I find that I want to work on. The piece of projects that I am thinking of working on is a little large but I will see how it goes during the next couple of months.
Kentia Wrap - here is another project that I decided I wanted to work on this week after getting Blushing done. This is a slip stitch design that I saw someone else working on and decided that it looked like a lot of fun so I have picked it up and started working on it.
I am working on this piece as well as working on the socks so that means that I have a lot of knitting that I also want to work on so now to see what really gets worked on over the next little while.
I hope everyone continues to stay safe and you find the time each day to do something that you enjoy doing. This week I will try and work on Moonstone a bit more and maybe see if I can get more of the wrap done as well but time will tell. Please stay safe and hopefully next week I will have more things to show you or at least more progress on these projects.