Princess Sofia - framed |
For those that do crafts you will probably know some of the feelings that I am going through today.
Written prior to delivering it - June 3rd
I am sitting here looking at a finished piece that will be given to it's new owner later today. I am happy that the piece if finished in some ways but I am going to miss working on it as well. The piece was a joy to work on, even with the little problems that I dealt with.
Over the last couple of days I have continued to look at the piece and have been happy to know that a little girl is going to be receiving this. As I worked on the stretching and framing of this piece I have been able to think about the smiles that this little princess will give to someone else. I have put a lot of love into this piece and am in some ways a little sad to see it go. I know it will be loved by the new owner and that is what helps.
Princess Sofia - completed June 1st |
My designing has taken a new step and that makes me smile. I pushed myself further this time than I have before, growing my skills and that is a great feelings. This piece is now in a 13"x9.5" frame and it is ready to go.
I am thankful that I was given the chance to do this piece as it pushed me in directions that I need to be pushed. I can't wait to see the reaction of the father when he receives this piece and in time for his daughter's birthday.
Princess Sofia - closer up |
It is now time to put this piece into a bag and get it ready for it's new owner. Princess Sofia, I loved working on you but know that your new home is great. I am now going to go and see what project I pick up next and fall in love with.
Written after delivering the piece away - June 4th
I was able to deliver the final framed piece to the new owner on Thursday afternoon. He was very surprised when I pulled it out of the bag and he saw that it was finished. It was really nice and fun seeing his reaction as we could see, he was having a hard time expressing his feelings.
One of the nicest things is his wife also doesn't know anything about this so will be a nice surprise for her as well as the daughter.
Other notes
I have started another project so now to see how much I can get done on it, (them).