So last week I spent 5 days taking classes at the Creativ Festival and had a lot of fun. Have to admit that after 31.5 hours of classes the brain is a little tired and you aren't really sure what you took or what you completed.
Here are some pictures of what I did during my classes. There isn't a lot of any one project completed because when you have between 1.5 and 3 hours to work on something you really don't get very far.
Crocodile Stitch - flat |
Crocodile Stitch - round |
Crocodile Stitch - crocheting - Becky Simmons
This class was the first one for the week for me and it was learning how to do the crocodile stitch both flat and in the round.
Elizabeth Zimmerman's Baby Surprise Sweater |
Elizabeth Zimmermann's Baby Surprise Jacket - Kate Atherley
The Baby Surprise Jacket class was a little different than I thought it was going to be. Yes we learned all the different techniques for making the baby surprise sweater but now we have to go out and find the actual pattern so that we can make it.
Bargello - Carol Storie
This was an introduction to Bargello class and it is to complete a stocking on linen instead of canvas. I think for a beginner class the canvas would have been a lot easier. I am really glad that I had taken Bargello before so I was able to just sit and stitch for the 3 hours.
Introduction to Spinning

My Thursday afternoon class was an introduction to spinning. I have wanted to learn how to spin for over 10 years so this class gave me the opportunity to finally sit and spend some time trying to get something that looked like yarn out of fleece. I am pretty proud of my accomplish but still have a long way to go before I am going to be able to actually knit with my own yarn.
So lots of practicing is ahead for me but at least with my own spinning wheel I should be able to improve on this ball of yarn.
Perforated Paper: Joy Snowflake - Jennifer Aikman-Smith
My final class for Thursday was a perforated paper ornament with Jennifer. Well as you can clearly see I didn't get anything accomplished in this class but that was fine. I was pretty tired by the start of this class and figured that if I tried to stitch I would probably miscount and have bigger issues so as there were only three students in the class we sat and chatted with Jennifer.
Blackwork & Hardanger - Carol Storie
I was able to get some of the hardanger started on this design so will continue working on this before I put in any of the blackwork.
Sparkle Magic Needlecase - Jennifer Aikman-Smith

The sparkle needlecase is a needlecase that we can put all of the needles that we use for metallic threads in.
If you want to see what it looks like complete,
SilverLotus has already completed her's. As you can see I still have a long way to go before mine is finished.
Dragon Boat |
Dragon Boats - Carolyn Mitchell
I had always looked at these ornaments and wanted to learn how to make them so this year when the class was offered I jumped at the chance to learn how to do them. As Carolyn said they are a lot of fun to make and you want to make more and more of them and yes I will be making more.
Year of the Dragon Silver Sampler - Jennifer Aikman-Smith
We normally give Jennifer a couple of challenges each year for her to design and this year I have to say that the Silver Dragon Sampler is so different for Jennifer. The colours are the greys, and silvers and I am so looking forward to finishing this project before the end of 2012.
You Add Magic to My Life - Jennifer Aikman-Smith
This class was 1.5 hours so there really wasn't a lot of time to get much stitching done but it's a start. I got a few stitches done on the dragon so will see how long it actually takes me to complete this project.
Christmas Needlecase & Scissor Fob - Kim Beamish
This class was the needlecase and scissor fob that went with the class that Kim taught last year. Of course I didn't take the class last year but I was fortunate that Kim did bring some kits with her this year so after class I picked up the Biscornu kit so I can have a complete set.
Canvaswork Dragon - Jennifer Aikman-Smith
Canvaswork Dragon |
In this class we got to pick our own colours for our dragon so mine is going to be a blueish grey dragon. Can't wait to get working on this one.
So that is some pictures of all the different classes that I took at the Creative Festival 2012. Now I just need to find the time and energy to finish all of these different projects. The good news is I just need to put a hanger on the dragon boat and it's completed and sew the mini baby surprise jacket together. So those two projects should be completed very quickly. The other projects are going to take me some time but will continue blogging about each of the projects and I work through them.
Now off to figure out what project I want to work on first.