Mini The Forgotten - Feb 23 |
Here it is the start of another week, and I have a bit of progress to show you from the last week.
Mini The Forgotten - This is one project that got some attention this week as I decided that I wanted to try and get one page finished of the pattern. The actual pattern is 12 pages, so it is going to take me some time to get it all done.
Mini The Forgotten - Mar 4 |
After focusing on stitching a bit at a time, I was able to get the first page done. I am happy to see that I have that done, and I also have a bit of the next two pages stitched. I am not sure how quickly I will get the next page finished, but I am going to be working on it a bit at a time.
I am looking forward to seeing this pattern moved forward as it is something that I would like to see finished up and hung up at home soon. Of course, because of the size of the design soon isn't going to be in the next couple of months but we will see when I can get this piece finished and framed.
Mini Magic of Books |
Mini Magic of Books - so this week, I decided that I was going to start another design. Yes, I know that I have quite a few Heaven and Earth Designs on the go, but this one spoke to me right now. It is a girl sitting and reading in a window, and that is something that I always loved to try and do.
Mini Magic of Books - Mar 7 |
This is another pattern that is twelve pages in size, but the bottom page was only twelve rows, so I have finished the first page of this already.
V-stitch Afghan - I normally have something small that I can work on when I have a few minutes, and a v-stitch afghan is sometimes that project. I had this project sitting around for a while now, so I decided that I was going to get it finished. I worked on getting the last few rows of the actual piece done and then did the border, so this project is now finished other than blocking it.
Small v-stitch afghan - March 8 |
This afghan is only 22 inches by 26 inches, so it is good as a preemie blanket or a doll blanket. At least it is done, and I can now start to work on another project.
Small waves scarf - I found some yarn that I love working with, and it is called Meandering, and I found some of it at Michaels. It is a worsted weight yarn, so I have decided that I am going to try and knit some scarves and shawls with it. This week I cast on a small waves scarf and started working on it. I haven't got very far, but I only work at it a few minutes at a time, so it is going to take me some time to get it all done.
Small waves - March 8 |
Of course, I have a few other projects that I am working on as well, but there aren't any pictures to show of them. If I can find some time this week, I am going to continue to try and get some stitches in on at least a couple of these projects. I may start something new as well in the knitting category, but I am not sure right now.
I hope everyone is staying healthy and finding a bit of time to do things you love each day. We are trying our best to avoid all the flu's and colds around here as well, so until next week, I hope everyone has a great week.