Krozwyrd - so this week I was able to make some excellent progress on this project, and it felt good. I am still trying to have this as my focus piece, and that is what it was through all of this week. I wanted to get the top of the piece done, and I was able to accomplish that this week.
I am very happy with the progress that I have been able to make on this piece, and now to see how much more of it I can get done. This project is a lot of run to work, but in some areas there are lots and lots of stitches, but the design turns out amazing.
This week I am hoping to be able to spend some more time on this piece as I am looking forward to having a finish before too long. I have finished the very top of the design, so now it is just a matter of filling in all the areas with the various designs. I am going to try and focus on areas now and hopefully before too long more sections will be completed.
I am happy with the progress that I made this week on this piece, as I can now say that it is complete. It was a bit of a challenge to do given it was a crochet pattern and not a cross stitch pattern. I used one colour of Sulky thread for the entire design, which made it work up a little quicker.
I am looking forward to getting this piece framed, and then it will be done. The pattern itself was a bit of a challenge, but once I put it into the cross stitch software that I have, it made the stitching a little easier.Will I try and use a crochet or knit pattern again for a design, maybe if I really want that specific pattern? I think what I would do before I even put in one stitch would be to put it into the cross stitch software. I did learn from doing this pattern and that is part of what I wanted, so now that it is done I can get back to working on some of the other projects that I have waiting for some attention.
I am not sure what project will come up as the Sunday project yet, but I will decide that during the coming week. Until then, I can mark another project off the to-do list.
Pashmina shawl - it is nice having a simple knitting project on the go that I can just pick up and knit when I have some time. This project is working up quickly, as it doesn't take long to get a row or two done on this. I have been using this as a project that I can work on while I attend webinars and don't need to be taking notes.
This week I had two webinars and worked on it a couple of evenings before going to bed, so I was able to make some good progress on it. I am not sure how long I will be making this shawl, as I am going to wait and see what it looks like after I get more of it done. I know that there will be at least 9 or 12 sections of colours, so I still have a ways to go.Other projects - this past week I didn't pick up any of the other projects that I have on the go as I wanted to see how much progress that I could get just focusing on a couple of projects. I am happy what I got done and now to see what this week has in store. It looks like it is going to be a busier week, so that means I won't have as much time to sit and craft.
I hope everyone continues to find some time for themselves each day to make sure you recharge your own personal batteries. It is important to make sure that you take a bit of time for yourself each day so that you have the energy to help those around you.
Hope everyone has a good week and I will see what I get done this week, and hopefully I will have some progress to show you next Monday. Until then, have a good week and stay safe.