Table during designing and kitting |
Well this week has been a very interesting week for me as I have been trying to get some stitching done as well as figure out a few projects for an Art Show next year. Yes, the Art Show isn't until July 2018 but figured if I was going to get all the pieces stitched by then I need to start figuring out what pieces I am going to stitch.
The mess on the dining room table is during the actual kitting part of my time. I finished designing 2 patterns and had 3 other designs that I knew I wanted to stitch for the Art Show. Once the designing was done it was off to figure out the fabric and floss for reach of the patterns. Now, I was sitting at the table and figuring out all the floss that I needed and what floss I had so that is when this picture was taken.
The sewing machine is still on the table as I had two more curtains to finish before it got tucked back away for now. After taking the picture I was able to get the last two curtains finished and that made me happy because it meant that another project was now finished.
Linen and Threads Mystery Stitch A Long - April 30 |
Mystery Stitch A Long -- so this project got a little bit of work finally in May and that was one day. I haven't been working on this project for a while and now figure that I am going to have to try and do little bits of it each month to at least move the projects ahead a little bit.
Linen and Threads Mystery Stitch A Long - May 29 |
I am currently working on the February and March sections of the design so that means that I am way behind on this piece but I know that I won't be spending a lot of time on it over the next little while so just making sure it gets a bit of attention will help. I know that I should have finished the February section before starting the March section but I wanted something that was quick to see some results so that is why I worked on the top section of March.
Quotes to Live By - part 6 - June 4 |
Quotes to Live By -- of course this project got some attention this week and that is because the pattern was released on June 1st. I quickly purchased the pattern and by the end of the day I had started working on it.
The design for part 6 didn't seem to be as complicated as the last couple of months so I figured that if I could spend some time working on it that I would get it finished quickly. On Sunday afternoon I was able to look at the pattern and see that I had finished the entire piece so now Quotes to Live By is put down again until July 1st when the next part of the pattern will be released.
There are three more sections of this pattern to go and I have to say that I have been loving working on this design and am looking forward to framing this piece in the fall and hanging it up at home.
Tiger Lily - May 29 |
Tiger Lily -- Here is another project that I decided would get a little bit of attention this week. I finished Quotes to Live By on Sunday afternoon so figured I would see if I could get a bit done in the evening on Tiger Lily. Just being able to sit for a couple of hours meant that I was able to make a bit of progress on this piece and I will see how much more attention it gets in the coming days.
Tiger Lily - June 4 |
I have been trying to get the top and the bottom attached but of course reach time I work on the pattern something else looks a little more interesting to work on so that gets the attention.
This week I am not sure which projects will be getting my attention but I know that there will be some stitching done. Before I can get the stitching done I need to get some work out of the way so that is what i am now off to do.