Monday, May 27, 2024

A finish and not much else

 Here it is the start of another week and hopefully a week where I will be able to spend some time working on things and not getting as distracted as I have in the last week.

Work has been busy, and I think this week might be similar so I will just have to wait and see what happens. Hopefully I will be able to find some time to do some crafting.

324 - here is the project that got my focus this week as I was working towards a finish. 324 has been a lot of fun to work on and now what I am going to finish because this week. I focused on my cross stitch and by the end of the week, I was able to say that this project is now finished. I love how the piece turned out and it was a lot of fun to work on it and see all the different colours start to come together. 

So, yes there are 324 different colours of floss in this piece, and it measures around 11 inches square as I stitched it on 18 count aida. It feels great seeing this piece finished but not I need to figure out what I am going to work on next. I do have lots of progress that I need to finish up so maybe one of those will come out and get some attention this coming week.

What was also nice about this piece was my sister was also stitching it and she also finished this weekend.  I don't know what she is going to work on next, but I will be pulling out a project that I already have on the go.

Other projects - given that I focused on getting 324 finished I didn't make a lot of progress on anything else. I did pick up my knitting for a few minutes and added a couple of rows to the Asymmetrical Lace Knit Shawl that I have on the other, but no real progress was made.

Hopefully now that I am not focusing on trying to get 324 completed, I will be able to find some time to work on some of the other projects that I would like to make progress on. The list of projects is rather long, so that means that I need to get back to making progress on things and will see how that goes.

This week I will try and make some progress on at least a couple of things, but I will just have to wait and see what happens. Hope everyone is finding that bit of time each day to take time to recharge your own personal pattern. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you take that bit of time to yourself. This weekend instead of crafting to recharge my battery, I took my coffee outside and sat and listened to nature. It was a nice change and hopefully something I can do again soon.

Have a great week and hopefully I will have some progress to show you next week on some projects. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

A finish, a start, and some progress

Here it is the start of another week and yes it has been another busy day for me so I haven't been able to get as much done as I would have liked. This coming week I hope that I can make some more progress on the various projects that I have on the go.

324- here is the cross stitch project that is getting all of the attention and I am looking forward to seeing when I get it finished.  It would be nice to have it done so I can get back to other projects, but I am also enjoying working on this piece.

This last week I decided to try and work on getting more of the diagonal rows done, so that I could start to see that I am getting closer to having it finished. Of course, I ended up working on a bunch of the different diagonals so instead of moving across the pattern I have been bouncing all over. Hopefully before long I will get more of the diagonals finished and I will also see that this project is finished.

12 Bird Mystery Knit Along - this past week I was able to finally cast of the 12 Bird Mystery Knit Along and I am so happy with how it turned out. The cast off did take a bit of time because there were almost 300 stitches on the needle, and you had to do the stretchy cast off which takes more time than some of the other cast offs that I normally do.

I have done some blocks of the shawl already but I need to do a bit more so that it lays nice and flat. I enjoyed working on this project as it was something that I hadn't done before. I had never participated in a knit along, so this was fun. I know that I got behind on the knit along but at least I got the shawl finished and that is what is important.

It felt so good being able to get back to knitting some of the different projects that I have wanted to try. If you are like me, you know that once you finish one project it is time to figure out what you are going to be working on next. I have a list of different patterns that I want to work on so that means deciding on the pattern and then figuring out the yarn for the next project.

Lamina Wrap - here is the new start that I did, and I have been loving this project. I haven't had a lot of time to work on the wrap this week but at least I have made a start on the wrap. This coming week I hope that I can find some more time to continue to work on this as I need to complete 25 of the teal sections before the wrap is done so I still have lots of knitting ahead of me.

I still have a rather long list of patterns that I want to knit and of course, I have lots of yarn so now to work through what is going to be the pattern I work on after this one or at least do I have the yarn for the next pattern.

Other projects - I am still trying to get all my floss organized and that is taking some time and part of that is because I haven't focused on it. It has been a little hard to focus on given I keep pulling out the threads that I need for 324 so I have a pile of those threads that I need to put back into the main stock.

This coming week I am going to try and continue to move projects forward as it would be nice to see that I have been able to get more things done. I might try and do a bit more EPP as well this coming week but will have to wait and see what happens.

I hope everyone is continuing to find that bit of time each day for yourself because it is important. We need to ensure that we have our own personal batteries recharged so that we can help those around us. If things go well, I hope to have some more progress to show you next week but until then take care of yourself and remember to do the things that you enjoy doing.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Moving projects forward

Here it is the start of another week, and it is hard to believe that May is almost half over already. I am not certain where the month is going but hopefully, I will be able to figure it out soon. I think being busy has made the month go by quicker.

324 - here is the cross stitch project that has got the stitching attention again this past week. I am happy with the progress that I have been able to make and now to see if I can continue to move this project forward this week. 

This past week I worked on the project a little differently as I have been trying to get some flosses ready so that I can lend them to my sister as she is also stitching this project. So, what I have done is for the last 6 rows of the pattern I did the colours that she needs to borrow so that is why it looks so different. 

I am loving how this piece is turning out and am looking forward to being able to have it finished so that I can see the entire piece at once. At least I know where the top of the pattern is and that is nice and now to see how quickly I can finish adding the rest of the motifs to the entire project. My goal for the next week is just to see how many of the remaining motifs I can get completed.

12-bird mystery knit along - I have been continuing to work on my knitting and it has been nice to see that I have been able to move this project forward as well as past week. I cannot wait to see what this shawl looks like when it is finally off the needles.

The good news is I have finally finished knitting all the rows on the shawl and now I just need to cast off the stitches and block it. I have loved working on this piece and am now excited to see what the shawl looks like once it is blocked. I think the blocking of the shawl will probably happen over the next couple of days or at least I hope that is when I can focus on doing that.

Now that 12-birds shawl is finished it's time to figure out what the next knitting project is going to be. I have a couple of shawls that I would like to start working on, but I will just wait and see what I feel like doing after I have finished casting off this shawl.

Other projects - after working on my knitting and cross stitch I haven't had a lot of time to work on other projects. I have however been able to spend a bit of time making motifs for a throw so that has been nice. Being able to at least do something else has been good and now this coming week I will see how much time I have to do crafting.

It feels good seeing that I have been able to continue to make progress on my crafting even when things have been busy. I know that this week is once again another busy week so that means I am going to have to figure out how to find some time to work on my crafting as well.

My crafting is one of the ways that I recharge my personal batteries and even just a few minutes a day makes a big difference. I hope that you find a way to recharge your personal battery each day as well.

I hope everyone has a good week and hopefully next week I will have some more progress on things to show you.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Some good progress this last week

 Here it is the start of another week, and I am happy to say that over the last week even with it being a busy week I was able to make some progress on both my cross stitch and knitting project. Now to see if I can do that again this week as it would be nice to see that I am moving both of them forward.

324 - this is the cross stitch project that has been getting all of my cross stitch time and I think it will until it is finished. This project is a lot of fun to work on and sometimes it does work up quickly.

This past week I was able to work on it most days and am happy with the progress that I was able to make on it. I was able to get about 3 and a half rows completed this last week and once I have finished this row that I am working on I will only have 6 more rows to do.

I love how this piece is turning out and can't wait to see it all finished and off the scroll bar. I keep scrolling it up as I finish some of the rows so that means that I don't get to see the entire piece come to life all at once. I will see it when it's done and so far, it has been a lot of fun to work on. This week I hope that I can continue to move it forward and I will see how much of it I will be able to complete.

12-Bird Mystery Knit Along - here is the knitting that has been getting my attention. It is coming along and am happy with the progress that I was able to make on it this past week. I now have 44 rows left to knit on this shawl and am looking forward to seeing what it looks like once it is all finished.

There have been some challenges with this project, and it isn't that the project is difficult it has just been some stitches are different and they have taken me a little while to figure them out. So far, I have figured out all the stitches that are in this pattern. It would be nice to see this shawl finished soon because I am looking forward to being able to see what it looks like.

This coming week I hope that I can continue to add some more rows to this shawl and get it even closer to a finish. Part of me just wants to sit and work on getting all of these rows done and then there is the part that is enjoying working on this a few rows at a time.

Other Projects - I have been able to spend some time on my English Paper Piecing so that has also been nice. I have been making some motifs so will be able to show some progress on that at the end of the month.

There are lots of projects that things that I would like to do so I need to make sure that I can get the work stuff done and then I will find the time to work on my crafting. I am trying to find that bit of time each day to sit and do something that I enjoy and my crafts have been what I have been focusing on this last week.

I hope everyone finds that bit of time each day to do something that you enjoy. It doesn't have to be long but being able to recharge your own personal battery is what is important. Hopefully next week I will have a bit more progress to show you.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

English Paper Piecing - April Progress

Here it is the start of another month, and I can say that I haven't got a lot of progress on my English Paper Piecing. If you have read any of my other blogs through April, you will know that I have been doing a lot of cross stitch and knitting. When I focus on those projects something else has to give and this month it was my English Paper Piecing.

Throw - I was able to spend a little bit of time working on making a few more motifs for the throw that I am making for myself using the fabric from shirts from popsy. It is nice to be able to spend a bit of time working on this project and hopefully I will be able to spend a bit more time working on this project in the coming month.

Ideas - I do have a lot of ideas as to how I want to move these projects forward, but it means being able to sit and focus on my English Paper Piecing a little bit more. I know that once I can sit outside, I will probably get more motifs made as they are easy to work on when sitting on the balcony.

My table runner needs to get some attention as well because being able to move it forward and get it all joined so that I can start the quilting would also be a good idea so hopefully that will see some attention soon. There are so many projects that I would like to do and now what I need to do is just figure out how to spend a bit more time each month working on these items. 

If you are working on some English Paper Piecing, I hope you are making more progress than I am, but even if you are like me and just getting those few things done each month it is better than not working on it at all. I have found that even spending an evening or two a month making motifs does help me feel like I am making some progress even if it is slow.

Let's hope that May is a better month for me being able to spend some time working on some of my EPP projects. I will try and spend a bit more time working on my EPP and at the end of this month I hope to have more progress on at least one project to show you.