Temperature June 14 |
Here it is another week has gone by but at least I have a bit of progress to show which makes me feel a little better about things. I know that I would love to find some more time to stitch so I hope that I can do that over the next week or so.
Temperature June 24 |
Temperature - I have finally started to work on getting this piece caught up and am starting to feel a little better about it. I still need to finish up getting the highs for April done and then start working on May but at least I am finally starting to see some progress on this piece. I hope to be able to continue work on it and maybe finally start to see that I have a chance of getting caught up on it. I am thinking that if I can at least get the colours figured out for each day and get them stitched right in the centre of the piece it means then I can just sit and work on a colour at a time when I have the chance to stitch and really don't want to count or focus on a project.
Linen and Threads Mystery SAL June 13 |
Linen and Threads Mystery SAL - I am slowly getting the May part of this piece moved forward. I was hoping to get May done before now but for some reason, I just haven't been able to work on the piece for very long. I keep trying to do at least two threads a day on the piece but it hasn't been working so now I need to figure out how to get the project moving forward again. I got behind in May and now to try and get caught up and then I might feel better about things.
Linen and Threads Mystery SAL June 23 |
One of my ideas has been to try and start working on the June/July block as well as that might help me want to get the May piece done. I keep looking at the June/July piece and want to see how it will turn out so maybe I will start working on it as well as continue to work on the May piece. I am not sure what I will do right now but will have to try a few things to get back to getting this piece moved forward.
A few new needleminders |
Needleminders - this is something that I have wanted to do for a while so just over a week ago I got all the magnets out and the items that I wanted to use for the needleminders. It took a bit of time to get everything set up but after finding the glue that would hold the magnets to the various items we sat down and get all of these done. I am already using three or four of the ones that we made so that is why there are gaps on the board.
I have a needleminder on most of my cross-stitch projects as it is a great way to keep track of where your needle is when you aren't stitching. As you can see quite a few of the designs are butterflies which are my favourite but I have also used some bottle caps as well as some buttons and charms. I have a few more that I would like to make but need to pick up some more of the smaller magnets before I can finish up with the rest of the items that I have.
The needleminders are a lot of fun to make and very simple because all you have to do is add a magnet to the back of something that you want to use as a needleminder. When you go to use the actual needleminders you just put another magnet until the fabric and now you have something that will keep your needle close at hand without having to put it into the fabric.
This week is hopefully going to be a good week where I can get lots of work done during the day but also have some time in the evenings to do some crafting. I am not sure what I will be working on but I know that I have a bit of a chance to make some progress on at least one of the projects.