Bluebell - October 18th |
This week I decided to work on some projects to get finishes and other projects just to have some fun and that is what I did.
Bluebell - I finally decided it was time to try and spend a little bit of time working on Bluebell so that is what I did. I have finally started to add some of beads and glitter to the piece and low how it is starting to look.
Bluebell - October 28th |
I had hoped to be able to spend a bit more time working on Bluebell this week but at least I was able to get a bit of progress on her and now to see when I can spend some more time adding some more glitter to her wings. I will see if I can spend a bit of time on Bluebell this coming week as I would like to see some of her wing or the umbrella she is holding some to life.
Small projects - after working on so many large projects over the last little while I decided it was time to try and work on a few small projects and see if I could get some finishes done quickly.
Don't Quit - October 26th |
The first small project that I worked on was "Day Dream" and I got it done fairly quickly and now to just finish it off into some sort of ornament or small pillow.
"Winter" was the second one to get done and I know that it will be done into a small pillow and it will be placed into a cookie jar that I have for displaying my small projects that I complete. I am going to be stitching each of the seasons on different fabric and with a different colour to give some variety.
Winter - October 27th |
The small projects are going to be put into a clear cookie jar so that I can see them and it will also give a conversation piece about some of them once they are all stitched. Of course, I don't have a lot of them figured out yet and time will tell what gets stitched and when. The seasons are all kitted up and ready to be stitched so that should be the next small projects on my list but things can change again.
Braver - October 28th |
Braver - now this is a project that I saw and decided that I was going to chart it for myself because the fonts that were used in the piece that I saw weren't what I wanted. I charted this piece last weekend and decided to try and get it started this week to see how quickly I would see some progress on it. With some of the words being simple lettering it means that the project has started to move forward at a good speed. Now to see how the next word goes because of course it is larger and more stitches for each letter.
Fluffy Meringue Shawl - October 21 |
Fluffy Meringue Shawl - so I finally finished off the shawl that I have been making with the brown, green and beige yarn. I love making this shawl as it is easy to work on and it actually does work up quickly when you can spend the time just sitting and working on it. I do like how this shawl turned out with the variegated yarn and hope to figure out when I am going to be wearing this version of the shawl.
Fluffy Meringue Shawl - October 25 |
I do have some other yarn for another version of this shawl so that is something that I will work on a bit at a time but right now I think I need a bit of a break from the Fluffy Meringue Shawls.
v-stitch shawl - October 29th |
V-stitch shawl - after finishing up the Fluffy Meringue Shawl I decided to work on a simple wrap using some of the yarn that I have left over. I started a simple v-stitch shawl and will see how long it gets because I am just going to work on it for a while with the yarn that I have left. I picked up two bags of mill ends of this yarn and the Fluffy Meringue Shawl took less than one of the bags so will see how long this shawl gets before I finish it off and figure out another project with some of the yarn.
The v-stitch pattern is something that I enjoy working on and I can work on it when I have a few minutes and I don't have to worry about thinking about what row I am on or anything like that, it's just pick up the hook and stitch.
Creative Festival - some of the purchases |
Creative Festival - this past week the Creative Festival was in Toronto so we decided that it might be nice to go to it as I haven't been for a couple of years. Well as you can see in the picture I did have some fun and did some shopping. Now I picked up some cross-stitch patterns, a knitting kit for a shawl and some fabric. Yes, I picked up some fabric and now to see what I will be making with some of it. Most of the fabric in the bottom left of the picture is for either a wall hanging or a lap quilt. I saw a pattern for a quilt of the Snowbirds and couldn't resist it so now I have the pattern and most of the fabric.
This last week was a lot of fun and it gave me a change in my routine and am happy about that. I am happy that I went to the Creative Festival and met some really nice people while we were there and also saw lots of old friends. Now this week I am going to try and get some of the fabric organized that I bought and will see what else I make with the fat quarters I bought.
I have a project that I have been working on over the last couple of months and hopefully within the next couple of weeks I will have something to show here on my blog. Until then there is work that needs my attention so I better go and get it done so that I keep everyone happy.