Monday, September 30, 2024

Moving things forward

Here it is the start of another week and yes it has been busy around here, so I haven't had as much time to sit and do my crafting.

The weather has started to cool down, so it is easier to focus on things and actually try and get things done. There are still lots of things to do around home so that is also taking some of my time, but I am happy with the progress that I am seeing on everything.

This past week I didn't get as much crafting done but at least I did find a bit of time most days to work on my projects so that is good. Now to see what this week is like.

Arabesque - I was able to pick up and work on it for a while and am happy with the progress that I was able to make on it. I only worked on this twice in the past week and have now got over 75% of it complete and am going to be trying to see when I can get it done.

I am loving how it is turning out and maybe I will be able to finish up the alphabet before too long. I only have three more letters to go and then I have the top section to do. I know that being able to focus on this a bit more this week would be nice and maybe then I might get it even closer to a finish. I had hoped to have it finished by the end of September but that isn't going to happen, but I will just continue to work on it and see how quickly I can get it finished.

Beige shawl - this is the shawl that I have been working on and am happy with the progress that I have made on it. The pattern is very simple as I am just increasing a stitch at the beginning of each row. I am not certain how large this shawl is going to be because I am just going to work on it until I have used up the ball of yarn that I have.

It does feel good having a project that I can just work on without having to look at a pattern. This has been fun to work on and when I have a few minutes I can at least get a couple of rows done on it. This project I hope to get more done on it this coming week as I would like to see how quickly I can get it done.

Other projects - I haven't worked on much of anything else this past week as I have been trying to get other things done. Hopefully I will have some progress again this coming week as I would like to see things moved forward. I did pick up my English Paper Piecing a little bit so at least I have some progress to show for this month when I write that blog tomorrow.

I hope everyone has a good week and you find the time to recharge your personal battery each day. Making sure that you can spend some time doing something that you enjoy is important for your mental health. We all need to take that bit of time for yourselves so that we can be there for those around us.

Have a good week and hopefully I will have some progress on things to show you next week.

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