Monday, September 23, 2024

Slow and steady

Here it is the start of another week, and it looks like it is going to be another busy week for me. The weather has been pretty nice here, so that has meant that we have been able to sit on the balcony some days before having dinner. It is always nice when we can do that because it gives us a chance to talk over the day and figure out what is ahead for the next days.

It is always nice when we can spend some time sitting and talking things over because it means we both know what the other one is working on and what our schedule looks like.

Arabesque - here is the cross stitch project that got a little bit of attention this past week. I was able to roll the piece up and have now reached the top left corner of the design.

I hope to be able to continue to work on this piece as I am excited to see what it looks like when it is all done. I am almost at 70% complete but there is still a lot of stitches left to go on this piece. Hopefully this week I will be able to find some time where I can work on it and move it forward again.

Simple Shawl - here is the project that did get quite a bit of attention this last week. I was able to work on this quite often and have just about finished the shawl. I had hoped to finish the shawl this weekend, but it didn't happen.

I have started to cast off the stitches now so it should be done within the next couple of days if I can just sit and work on it for a little while. You can see what a difference in colour that this piece looks, and it all depends on the lighting when I take the piece. The second picture is more like the colours of the yarn. It has been a lot of fun to work on and once this is finished, I will be picked up and working on another shawl. 

Other projects - I haven't done a lot of other things this past week as it has been a littler busier for me than normal. Hopefully this week I will be able to find some time to sit and work on my English Paper Piecing for a little while as it hasn't got much attention this month.

I hope everyone finds that bit of time each day to do something for yourself. It doesn't always have to be your normal things but at least taking that bit of time each day to recharge your personal battery is very important.

This week I am not certain what crafting I will be doing but I do want to finish the shawl as I am so close to having it done. I will also try and work on Arabesque as getting more of it done would be great.

If things go well, I should have something to show you next week. Have a good week and I will write again next Monday.

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