Monday, May 13, 2024

Moving projects forward

Here it is the start of another week, and it is hard to believe that May is almost half over already. I am not certain where the month is going but hopefully, I will be able to figure it out soon. I think being busy has made the month go by quicker.

324 - here is the cross stitch project that has got the stitching attention again this past week. I am happy with the progress that I have been able to make and now to see if I can continue to move this project forward this week. 

This past week I worked on the project a little differently as I have been trying to get some flosses ready so that I can lend them to my sister as she is also stitching this project. So, what I have done is for the last 6 rows of the pattern I did the colours that she needs to borrow so that is why it looks so different. 

I am loving how this piece is turning out and am looking forward to being able to have it finished so that I can see the entire piece at once. At least I know where the top of the pattern is and that is nice and now to see how quickly I can finish adding the rest of the motifs to the entire project. My goal for the next week is just to see how many of the remaining motifs I can get completed.

12-bird mystery knit along - I have been continuing to work on my knitting and it has been nice to see that I have been able to move this project forward as well as past week. I cannot wait to see what this shawl looks like when it is finally off the needles.

The good news is I have finally finished knitting all the rows on the shawl and now I just need to cast off the stitches and block it. I have loved working on this piece and am now excited to see what the shawl looks like once it is blocked. I think the blocking of the shawl will probably happen over the next couple of days or at least I hope that is when I can focus on doing that.

Now that 12-birds shawl is finished it's time to figure out what the next knitting project is going to be. I have a couple of shawls that I would like to start working on, but I will just wait and see what I feel like doing after I have finished casting off this shawl.

Other projects - after working on my knitting and cross stitch I haven't had a lot of time to work on other projects. I have however been able to spend a bit of time making motifs for a throw so that has been nice. Being able to at least do something else has been good and now this coming week I will see how much time I have to do crafting.

It feels good seeing that I have been able to continue to make progress on my crafting even when things have been busy. I know that this week is once again another busy week so that means I am going to have to figure out how to find some time to work on my crafting as well.

My crafting is one of the ways that I recharge my personal batteries and even just a few minutes a day makes a big difference. I hope that you find a way to recharge your personal battery each day as well.

I hope everyone has a good week and hopefully next week I will have some more progress on things to show you.

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