Tuesday, May 2, 2023

English Paper Piecing - April progress

It is hard to believe that another month has come and gone. This past month I had a focus and that was to see if I can get some more motifs made for both throws.

Large motifs - these motifs didn't get quite as much attention but at least I was able to get another 11 motifs made so I now have almost half of the motifs made that I need for this third version of this throw that I am making. Hopefully in May I will be able to work on making more of these motifs and maybe even sewing some motifs onto the 2nd version of the throw.

The first throw is still at the same place as it has been since last year so now, I need to sit and work on getting it finished up so that I can focus on the last two. It is nice working on these large motifs, but I do prefer the small size.

Small motifs - So here is where the attention ended up this past month. I was enjoying making the small motifs for the scrap throw so that was my focus. I ended the month with 98 more motifs made for this throw and I did sew another 7 motifs onto the throw. No picture of the throw as you wouldn't see any difference. Maybe in May I will work on sewing some more of the motifs onto the throw so that I will have something to show.

English Paper Piecing - working on the various motifs and sewing the motifs together is so relaxing and something that I enjoy doing. It would be nice to see these projects moved forward a little quicker, but I am enjoying the journey and that is what is important to me. Of course, I have other ideas that I want to move forward but until these projects are done or very close to being done, I don't think I will be working on too many more projects. The ideas will be documented, and ideas of fabric will be thought through but other than that I don't think I will be adding too much fabric to the pile that I already have.

In May I hope to be able to continue to work on making some motifs for both throws and maybe even get some joining done as well. Hope if you are working on your English Paper piecing that you are enjoying it and seeing little bits of progress on it. If you are working on another craft, I hope you enjoy that as well. See you at the beginning of June with another update on how these projects are going.


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