Here it is the start of another week and yes a week where I have lots of things that I would like to accomplish. It is going to be a busy week for me so will see what crafting I can get done. This last week I did spend some time crafting and am happy with the progress that I made on the various projects. I did end up working on more projects than I thought I would, but it still means that I made progress.
Florence Law - here is the cross stitch piece that got the most attention this week. I am looking forward to seeing this piece finished as it is something that I have been enjoying working on.
This past week I decided that instead of working on bits of each of the rows that I was going to try and work on getting more of the rows completed. It has been interesting watching this piece come to life. It started out slowly and now I am finally starting to see the areas of the design getting done. It would be nice to get this piece completed so that I can frame it, but I am going to miss working on it.
Having something like this on the go makes me happy as I enjoy seeing the progress on it each time that I pick it up. Now that I can see the end in sight, I guess it is almost time to figure out which project will be getting the attention after this one is finished.I know that I have projects that I could be working on so many one of those will come out for a while and maybe get some attention. Besides all the projects that I would pull out I am also thinking that I may have a new start soon and it will probably be another sampler but this time it won't be red.
Diagonal Garter Shawl - this piece wasn't going to be worked on very much this week, but it came out a couple of times. Yes, I did have a webinar that I was watching so it came out that day and it came out again another day when I just needed something simple to work on.
It is a nice piece to work on and I can see progress on it quickly right now. I am still working on the increase section so that helps me see the progress quickly on the piece.
This week I think this project will get a bit more attention but will have to see how much more of it I get done. It would be nice to get to the end of the increase section as then I will be working on the main section which is what takes the longest to do. I guess, I will just see how things go this week and if I can get all the increases done or not.
Wedding Shawl - this piece was once again the main focus of the 30 minutes of knitting most days. I did miss a couple of days this week but given everything else I am happy with the progress that I made on this piece. The piece now measures 39 inches and I think I am going to make this shawl 60 inches long, so I am getting closer to a finish which makes me feel good.
If I measured things right and also counted correctly, I think I have around 14 more patterns to go on the piece before it is finished. Not sure how long that is going to take me to finish but being able to see it done would make me happy. This should be the focus piece for most of the week but will just have to see how things go.
I hope everyone is finding that bit of time each day to do something for yourself and recharge your personal batteries. Being able to find that bit of time each day for yourself does help so much as it means we have the energy to help other around us as well as being able to get things done that we want to get done.
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