Here it is the start of another week and I have to say that I was able to get some things moved forward in the last week so yes a little more to talk about than normal. It felt good seeing some good progress on things this week and now to continue to move everything forward.
We are still in lockdown but at least some outdoor activities are now available, and they are saying that if everything continues to go like it is we should be able to start to reopen around June 14th, but it is going to be a very slow process once it starts to happen.
Mini Forget Me Not - this piece continues to get some attention every day, and I am happy that I have been able to continue to do that. It means that at the end of the week I can see some progress on the piece which makes me feel very good. I have reached 82.96% done, and I am looking forward to seeing what it looks like when it is finished.
This week I will continue to work on this piece and see how much more I can get done as it would be nice to see that I have started to get the flowers stitched.
I have a good friend that has been helping me figure out how I want to quilt the throw as well as how to add binding. I have never quilted before, so this is a big project for me, but I am loving how it is turning out. I know that the quilting is going to take me some time but at least it is slowing started to take shade, so that is great.
This week I hope to be able to start the quilting on the throw as it would be nice to see this piece done. Besides working on mom's throw last week I have been working on making a placemat using some other motifs that I have. The placemat is all joined, so it just needs to be quilted and the binding added. The placemat is actually what I am going to be using as a practice piece for the binding so that I have a bit more confidence on how to do it before doing it on the throw, The second placemat is just about finished as well, so that will be nice, so I will have two placemats finished soon as well as the throw.I have been having a lot of fun working on these projects and am now starting to get the fabrics organized for the other three throws that I will be making. It is going to take me some time to get all the motifs done even for one of them but at least I am starting to feel better about them now.
Other stuff - I continue to work on a few other projects but nothing gets a lot of attention as I am trying to focus on getting some of these projects moved forward. I will see once the weather warms up somewhat I work on as I love having projects that I can work on while sitting on the balcony and I think I may have some of those already on the go.
We continue to work remotely for our clients and that won't be changing for a long time because we did it even before Covid-19.
I hope everyone has been having a great week and if you are enjoying a long weekend like I am hope you are having a great one. Please try and find a few minutes each day to do the things you enjoy doing as it does help you be able to focus on all the other things going on around you. We continue to stay safe and will be looking forward to when we can get our second vaccine which hopefully will be sometime next month.
Have a great week and enjoy your bits of time when you can do the things that you love.
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