Monday, October 21, 2024

Two New Starts

Here it is the start of another week and this week is going to be a busy week so I am not certain how much crafting I will get done through the week. I hope to be able to find some time to at least work on my projects a little bit as I have two new projects that I want to move forward.

Let Flowers Grow - here is the new start that I did this week and it is another Jan Hick's Creates piece and it is also a stitch-along that we started on October 15th. I am happy with the progress that I was able to make on it.

I decided to work on the border first to make sure that I had the outline of the piece done. It has been a lot of fun to work on and I am looking forward to adding some more of the design to the piece. 

I did add the line that goes through the centre of the piece as I wanted to make sure that I knew what the top of the design was and also give me something that I can stitch from as I start to add some of the other parts of the design.

Little Meg Shawl - here is the new shawl that I started this week. It has been a lot of fun working on it and I have made some good progress on it as well. I am already 40% complete and I only started it on Wednesday.

This pattern is by Helen Stewart, and she is one of the shawl designers that I really enjoy. Her patterns are easy to follow, and she gives you the percentage completed along the way which is nice.

The yarn I am using for this project is by Windswept Fibres and Design who is a dyer from Newfoundland, Canada. The yarn is so nice to work with and am loving how it is turning out.

Other projects - I have worked on my EPP a little bit in the last week, so I have been able to continue to move it forward some as well. I am trying not to bounce around too much with my projects as I would like to at least see progress on the projects that I do touch each week.

I hope everyone has a good week and you find a bit of time to recharge your personal battery. If I can find some time to work on some of my projects this week I hope to have something to show you next Monday. Have a good week and I will try and post again next week.

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