Monday, October 14, 2024

Another finish and some progress

Here it is the start of another week and hopefully I will be able to spend some time working on my projects this week as I would like to see if I can move some of them forward a little bit.

Things have been a little crazy this last week so I wasn't able to work on my projects as much as I would have liked but at least I was able to move some of them forward a little bit. I hope that this week I will be able to continue to move things forward.

Pandemic - here is the cross stitch project that came out this last week and got some attention. I decided that I was going to try and focus on just the bottom pages of the pattern and see if I could move them forward.

All of the pages have lots of stitches in them so that means that it takes quite a while before you see either a page finish or sections of the page done. Last week, I ended up finishing three pages and have two more pages to go before the bottom of the design is down. There is 20 pages in this pattern, so I now have 17 pages to finish. Yes, it is a long way to go but at least moving it forward a little bit was better than nothing.

Pandemic won't be seeing much more attention this coming week as there is a Stitch-along that I am hosting on the Jan Hicks Creates - Stunning Cross Stitch Designers Facebook page. It does mean that I won't have a lot of time to focus on Pandemic but at least I moved it forward again.

Beige Shawl - this is the project that probably got the most attention because I was trying to get it finished. I worked on this as much as I could and by Saturday evening, I was able to see that I would have a finish. It felt so nice seeing that I was able to get this shawl done and it is now waiting to be blocked which I hope to do later this coming week.

I have enjoyed working on these simple projects, but I am thinking that it is now time for me to figure out a different pattern to work on so that I have a bit more of a challenge. It is now time for me to go through all of shawl patterns and yarn and figure out which one is going to be the next project that I work on. I do have some ideas but need to sit back and look at all the different yarns and patterns and see what pattern calls to me right now.

Other projects - I haven't work on much else over this last week other than finding a little bit of time a couple of evenings to get some more work done on the EPP project that I am trying to focus on this month.

This coming week I am not certain how much time I am going to have for crafting, but I am going to try and at least find a bit of time each day to do something that I enjoy. I hope that you find a bit of time each day to also recharge your personal battery because it is important to ensure you are ready for what life throws your way.

Next week, I hope to have a bit of progress to show you and given there is a new start October 15th, I might have something to show next Monday. Have a good week and I will post again next week.


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