Monday, October 7, 2024

A finish and some progress

Here it is the start of another week, and I can honestly say that I was able to make some progress on my crafting this past week and that makes me feel good. 

The last week was a little quieter workwise, so I was able to spend a bit more time relaxing and trying to focus on getting things moved forward. It does feel good to be able to say that I saw progress on my different crafts in the last week so that makes me happy.

I am not certain what this week is gong to be like, but I am going to try and see if I can continue to get things moved forward even if it is just a little bit at a time. Seeing progress makes me feel good so that is what I am going to be trying to see this week.

Arabesque - here is the cross stitch project that I have been focusing on and it did get a lot of attention in this last week. It feels great seeing that I have been able to at least move it forward enough to get it finished.

This past week I decided that it was going to be the project that got the attention as I was working on pushing it to a finish and by yesterday afternoon, I was able to add the last few stitches to the piece and it is now completed. I really enjoyed working on this piece and am looking forward to finding a frame for it and then getting it frame and ready to hang on my wall.

It is now time for me to figure out the project that will get some attention now that Arabesque is done. I do know that there is another stitch along starting on October 15th, so the project I work on this week will be one of the projects that I already have on the go as I don't want to start something this week if I can't get it finished before the 15th of this month.

Beige Shawl - this is the knitting project that I have been focusing on as I would like to get it finished before too long. I have been trying to spend at least 30 minutes a day working on this project, and it has helped move it forward quite a bit in the last week.

The ball of yarn is starting to look smaller which is good and now to see how quickly I can finish up this project as I have a few other projects that I would like to start and work on. I have been trying to only have one knitting project on the go at a time so that means I need to finish this before I put something else on the needles.

Other projects - this past week I was able to pick up and work on my EPP a little bit and that made me happy because I was able to at least get some work done on it. Of course, I will show that progress at the end of the month.

This last week I didn't work on anything else because I was focusing on getting Arabesque completed so that is where most of my attention went. Now to see what this week is like because there are a few projects that I might pick up but will have to wait and see how things go.

I hope everyone has had a good week and you have been able to find that bit of time each day to relax and take time for yourself. Being able to focus on something that you enjoy does make a difference because it helps you regain your focus so that you can be there for others.

If things go well this week, I should have some progress on at least something to show you next week. I am not certain other than the beige shawl what I am going to be working on, but I will be picking up something. Have a good week and I will hopefully see you next week with some progress.


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