Monday, October 2, 2023

A finish, a start and some progress

 Here it is the start of another week, and it looks like it could be a rather busy with for me. I guess I am just going to have to wait and see how things go. The warm weather is back at least for the start of the week, so it feels more like August then October.

Summer is Coming - this is the project that I have been working on for a while and working on each of the motifs was a lot of fun.

This past week I set myself a goal and it was to have it finished by the end of September. Once I set that goal, I was able to focus on the piece and yes, get it completed. It feels good having this project done and now I just have two more of the "Is Coming" series to complete but they are going to have to wait for a little while. I have other projects that I would like to work on first.

Jolly Squirrel - this is a piece that I found while watching some cross stitch videos and I immediately needed it. The piece is called Jolly Squirrel and it is by Pigeon Coop Designs. I started this piece yesterday and I don't think it is going to take me long to finish it if I can focus on it. The design is only 64x61 stitches so it will be around 4 inches in size once it is done.

This is one of those projects that I will see how quickly I can get it done and not put it down for days at a time. The piece difference with this project is I am using a paper pattern and I don't have it on my tablet. It does seem to go a little slower but given it isn't a big pattern I am just going to work on it like I did yesterday. 

Preemie blanket - I am continuing to work on the blanket a bit most days. I love being able to sit and knit for 30 minutes at a time and it does help me move a project forward. The good news with this project is this last week I got to the point where I could start decreasing. 

This blanket hopefully now will go a little faster given I am on the decrease rows, but I will just have to wait and see. I know that being able to get more of this blanket done this coming week would be nice so I will see how it goes. I am trying to use up this colour of yarn so after this project is finished, I will have to figure out what else I am going to make with this yarn.

Other projects - lately I haven't been working on multiple projects at a time. It has felt great being able to focus on projects and see progress on a couple of them instead of very little progress on lots of projects.

One thing that I haven't been working on lately is my English Paper piecing, so I am going to need to pick that up again and hopefully move at lease one of those projects forward.

I hope everyone is finding that little bit of time each day to recharge your personal batteries. I know how important it is to take that bit of time and relax. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you take that little bit of time to yourself.

This coming week I hope that I can continue to work on both my cross stitch and knitting but will see how the week goes. Hopefully next week I will be back and have a bit of progress to show you on at least a couple of projects.

1 comment:

ChaosAdventurer said...

oh how has spoiled you that a pixel scanned pdf is such a hardship, vs a pdf that describes the shapes such that software can understand the content.