Another month has come and gone, and it is once again to show you what I have been working on with regards to my English Paper piecing. It is hard to believe that March has already come and now it's the 1st of April.
This past month I did change my focus a bit with regards to my EPP, but it felt good because at least I have been able to see some progress on the various projects. Hopefully in April, I will be able to continue to move the various projects forward and see how it goes. These projects are enjoyable to work on so now to see how quickly I can move them forward.
Large motif throw - here is where a lot of my time and energy was put into. I was able to move the 2nd of the 3 throws forward and I added another 15 motifs to this throw, so I am now at 92 motifs added out of the 144 motifs. I have also had to start marking the areas so that I don't get carried away and add too many motifs to a side of the throw. I have now marked two of the sides to ensure that I can get the throw squared up so that I can get it finished instead of just continuing to make it bigger and bigger.
I hope to be able to add some more motifs to this throw in the coming month and maybe even get it a little closer to being finished. I would also like to see if I can get the first large motif throw finished before too long.
Large motifs - along with working on attaching the motifs to the 2nd throw I decided it was time to start making the motifs for the third throw. This month I focused on just making the motifs for the next throw and by the end of the month I had made 59 out of the 144 motifs so that makes me feel pretty good.
I am not sure if I have enough templates available to get all the motifs made so that means that I need to work on getting more motifs joined onto the second throw so that I can free up some of the templates. I will continue to work on making motifs as well as joining the motifs to the 2nd throw.
Scarp throw - there is no picture this month of the scarp throw because it would be the same picture as last month as I didn't get any motifs joined onto it. Now I hope that in April I can at least move this project forward a little bit because it would be nice to get back to making the smaller motifs.
I am happy with the overall progress that I made in March on my English Paper piecing and am looking forward to seeing what I can get done in April. Hope to be able to show you some more progress on some of my English Paper piecing projects when I write another EPP blog at the beginning of May. Have a great month and I will see you when I do my next post.
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