This last week was a little crazy as well, so that means that I didn't have as much time to work on projects that I wanted. Also, to be honest I had a knitting start that turned into a knitting failure so will be restarting some with that yarn hopefully this week. Yes, I do have knitting and other craft failures, and that least this was only about 20 rows into the overall afghan.
Turquoise - here is the cross stitch that I decided to pull out and see if I could make some progress on it during the week. This week I was able to make some good progress on it as I got just over 1,500 stitches on it.The piece moved pretty quickly once I got into a routine of how I wanted to stitch the overall piece, and now I think I just have another 1,600 stitches to go on the project. I completed the lower left corner of the piece and then decided that I would work on stitching all the complete diamonds first, and then I just have to fill in the other colours. I only have one more colour of complete diamonds to go, and then it will be just a matter of filling in the other spaces with the remaining three colours.
This is a project that I would like to see finished soon, so that means that I need to continue to work on it to get it done.
Wavy Lace Scarf - so after having the knitting failure and considering a possible restart with a different pattern, I looked around and found some yarn that I wanted to make into a scarf. I love this scarf pattern because it works up quickly. The pattern is just four rows, so that means that it is easy to figure out where you are. I also try and complete each of the four rows so that I ensure that I know where I am when it comes time to work on it again.I hope that I can continue to make some good progress on this piece over this week as I would like to see if I can at least get the first ball of yarn finished, and then I will determine if it is going to be two or three balls of yarn in length.
Other projects - well, I haven't been able to spend a lot of time working on other projects, but that is fine with me. I do have a writing project that has been taking some of my time and this week it is something that I am going to try and work on again. It isn't anything that will be public for a while, but I am trying to gather all the information so that it is easier to work on.
This week I hope to be able to spend some more time on Turquoise to see how much of it I can get done, and I also want to work on the wavy lace scarf. I might also try and do the restart on the afghan using a different pattern than I originally tried.
I hope everyone has a good week, and you find some time each day to do something that you love to do. Making sure that you spend those few minutes relaxing does really help. It might only be 10 or 20 minutes, but I know that it helps. Have a good week and I hope to have something to show next week.
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