Monday, April 18, 2022

Some progress this week

Here it is the start of another week and yes things continue to be very busy for me, so there isn't a lot of time for me to sit and craft right now. I hope that before too long I can get into a routine and then see how things go.

I continue to love working from home and even with office going back we will be working from home like we did even before the Pandemic. It is nice being able to just walk to your desk each morning and not worry about traffic or anything else.

A Year in Flowers - February - this week I decided to see how much of this project I could get done, and I am happy with the progress that I made on it. I was trying to get it done before the end of the weekend, but it just didn't happen, but I am going to try and focus on it and maybe get it finished this week.

I do enjoy this group of projects because it is nice having something that is smaller and works up quickly, and you progress before too long. I am going to continue to work on getting more of these done, as I would like to see all the months done before the end of this year. 

I realized that yes, it is the middle of April and I haven't even finished the second month, but as they don't take too long to stitch I am hopeful that I can sit and do some more of the stitching on these smaller projects through this year. I am also going to try and not have as many projects on the go moving forward.

New Doors - this last week I was able to pick this project up for a little while one day and get a bit more of it done. I know that this is a piece that I also want to get done this year, so I am going to need to focus on getting more of it done as well. 

I am going to see how much of this piece I can get done this month as it is a lot of fun and given it is using over dyed floss it is a lot of fun seeing how the keys are going to turn out. It doesn't take too long to complete one of the keys or a lock, so I might try and get some more of them done before too long. I think the border is going to take me the longest to-do, so I should try and start to work on it again.

Hopefully this week I will have a bit of time to maybe get another couple of keys done or something on this piece.

Toques - so this week the big focus was on getting the decreases done on this toque, but as you can see it isn't finished yet. I finished knitting the hat, but now I just need to sew it together, so that is also on my list of things that I will try and get finished this week.

Other projects - I have quite a few things that I would like to get done moving forward, so will see how it goes. I am busy with work and other things, so it doesn't give me a lot of time to actually focus on my craft projects. I am going to continue to make sure that I take those few minutes each day to sit and do something for myself.

I hope everyone else is finding that bit of time each day to recharge your own batteries because it sure does make a difference on how you can handle the rest of your day. I am not sure how much time I will have this week for getting my projects moved forward, but I will be trying to ensure that I can spend even a bit of time each day. Have a good week and I will see how much I can get done this week and hopefully have something to show you next week.

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