Here it is the start of another week and all I can say is I am happy that things are slowly starting to get back to some sort of normal here. We are still dealing with some Covid restrictions, but things are slowly starting to reopen and get back to some sort of normal.
For us things are still the same as we are working remotely, and it is something that we will be doing even after things get back to normal. Working remotely most of the time is what we have been doing for a long time.

I would like to continue to work on this piece as it would be nice to see more of it done over the next little while. It does take a while to get across the bottom of the piece and I still have two more lines of the border to finish, so that will probably be the next thing that I focus on getting done.
Moonstone - here is the piece that got most of my attention after I got Harriet Gobey finished. I worked on getting the first colour totally stitched on the piece, and now it is just a matter of filling in the rest of the colours This piece isn't very big when it is finished as it means just over 4 inches square, but there are lots of stitches in it.
I will continue to work on this some this week, as I would like to see how much more of it I can get done. It might not be the focus piece for the week, but I do plan on making sure that it gets some attention as I am now getting to the point where I can see the end of this piece. It isn't going to be a fast finish, but hopefully soon it will be done.
I hope everyone continues to find a bit of time each day to do something that you love. It doesn't matter what it is, but making sure that you send a few minutes each day relaxing is very important. Hope you continue to stay safe and hopefully soon we will all be able to do the things that we did before. Have a good week and hopefully next week I will have some more progress on things to show you.
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