Monday, January 11, 2021

Moving projects forward

Mini Forget Me Not Jan 3
Another week and this week I am feeling a little better.  We are still in lockdown, and it doesn't look like we are going to be getting out of it anytime soon.  I know that the number of cases keeps going out, but I think right now that is due to people gathering together.

We continue to work remotely for our clients so that continues to be the same as even before Covid-19.  I know that we will be working like this for a while as we still aren't sure when we are getting the vaccine.

Mini Forget Me Not - here is the project that I have been putting a lot of energy into it.  Part of this project has been helping me deal with the death of my dad.  I am loving how this piece is turning out and yes it is a full coverage piece, so it is going to be awhile before it is done. I am currently at 7.94% finished on this piece and right now I am loving to see how the picture is starting to appear now.  

Mini Forget Me Not Jan 10
This weekend I decided to add some different colours as it made me happy to see part of the flowers to appear.  I look forward to seeing how much I can get done on this piece in the next week as well.  I am working on getting the first page finished on this and I think I might be able to get it done in the next couple of months but saying that will depend on how much time I can spend on the project.

I am not sure if this project is going to be what I work on this coming week, but I will see how things go.  I know that I have other projects that I want to work on as well as I will see what actually gets my attention this week.

Socks - these three socks continue to be on the needles, but I know that if I can sit and focus on one of them I will get it done and then be able to start to work on another sock.  It would be nice to wear more of these socks so the only way I can do that is if I actually get pairs of socks knit.


I didn't get a lot of anything else done last week but considering I was busy with work and personal stuff I am happy that I was able to find some time each day to sit and put a few stitches in my socks as well as my cross-stitch.  I hope that this week I can continue to move things forward even if it isn't as fast as normal.

 I hope everyone has a good week, and you find a bit of time to sit and do something that you enjoy doing each day.  Maybe next week I will have something else to show you but that will depend on how things go.


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