I decided that I would take some pictures of where some of the pieces are at as of March 31st and also to show how large some of the pieces are that I am working on.
Quotes to Live By - Feb 26th |
Quotes to Live By - March 25th |
Quotes to Live By - now this is the project that has seen a lot of my attention since the beginning of March. I was really trying to get the three quotes stitched before the end of March so that I was caught up on this project. I had been able to start the final quote before this week and am happy that I did that. Once I was able to finish the quote I still had some of the border to complete before I could say that I had actually caught up with all the stitching on this piece.
Quotes to Live By - March 31st - full piece |
With some determination this week I was able to get the quote finished as well as the border so I have been able to get this piece fully caught up. I was able to give myself a couple of days of not having to try and work on this piece as everything was finally caught up and that was until this weekend.
Quotes to Live By - April 2 |
The new quote for Quotes to Live by was released on April 1st and of course I had to make sure that I had the new pattern so that I could start it quickly. The pattern was quickly purchased on Saturday morning so that I could figure out where it was going to be done and then it was time to figure out when I was going to have a little bit of time to actually sit and start working on it. I was able to get the border of the design done and started on the working so now to see how long it will take to get this quote done so that I can be waiting for the May quote to be released.
Linen and Threads - Mystery Stitch Along - Feb 28 |
Linen and Threads - While I was waiting for Quotes to Live By to be released I was able to make a bit more progress on the Linen and Threads Stitch Along. I am still working on the January section of the design so yes I am really behind on this project but now that Quotes to caught up I am hoping to be able to spend some time working on this piece throughout April.
Linen and Threads - Mystery Stitch Along - March 10th |
This project is nice to work on when I want to work on just one colour but as there are a lot of stitches in each section the progress that I made isn't seen very quickly. I decided last week to see if I could at least get the outline done for the February and March sections and I am close to having them all done.
Linen and Threads - Mystery Stitch Along - March 31st |
Joyful World - March 31st |
This project is another one that is released once a month and with the designer being in Australia it gets released a little bit earlier. This month they decided to release the April part of the design on the 30th of March for us in North America so that means that I am really behind on this project but will see how I do this month.
Joyful World - the design for each month is getting there but
still have another 7 months to stitch on this piece. Each design is
around 97 x 79 stitches so they are a project in themselves. I am now
finished May and hope to get June finished off in April and will see how
things go on this one.
I have really been enjoying the stitching that I have been able to get done so far this year and am looking forward to seeing how much stitching I can do even in April. I had never really worked on a Stitch Along before this year and I am really happy that I decided to do Quotes to Live By. It makes me want to stitch and maybe now I will be able to get each quote done in the month it is released.
It is now time to get some work done and then see if I have some time to sit and stitch this evening. If I do stitch I think Quotes to Live By will be getting the attention but will decide then I sit down to work on something.
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