Monday, June 24, 2024

A finish and progress

Here it is the start of another week and hopefully I will be able to continue to move things forward. It is going to be a busy week so that means that I am going to have to see what I can find those little bits of time to work on the projects that are calling me.

At least the heat and humidity has come down a bit so that means that we might be able to focus on things a little easier now or at least that is what I hope. Last week was a slow week given how hot and humid it was. Now to see if we can get more things done this week.

Star Touched Meadows Stitch Along - January - here is the cross stitch project that I have been working on. I was looking at this piece at the beginning of the week and thought that if I could just work on it for a while I might get it finished.

The good news is after spending some time once the heat and humidity broke, I was able to add the rest of the colours into this piece and it is now finished. It did take me longer than I had hoped to get this piece finished but it is now done. 

I haven't decided what project that I am going to work on next, but I do know that I need to figure that out. There are a lot of projects wanting some attention so maybe this coming week I will pull out something that I haven't worked on for a while and put in some stitches on it. I would like to see if I can move something along quickly because it would be nice to have another finish, but I am not certain when a finish is going to happen.

Lamina Wrap - here is the knitting project that has been getting some attention and I am happy with the progress that I have been able to make on it. I am now at the point that I am going to be deciding if I am going to just do 23 lace sections or will I do all 25 sections. This is a decision that I will be making very soon because I am now on the 21st lace section, and the wrap is getting pretty long. 

This project is a lot of fun to work on and I enjoy seeing it come to life so will see what it really looks like once it is finished, and I can block it. I do know that I have been enjoying working on this project and am looking forward to working on my next project. The Lamina Wrap is a nice pattern to work on as it is easy to follow and something that I can pick up and put down based on how much time I have to work on the piece.

Hopefully this wrap will have at least all the knitting completed this week as I already have the next project figured out that I would like to start at the beginning of July.

Other projects - I haven't been working on any other projects because I have been focusing on trying to move these projects closer to a finish. This coming week I do have another project that I would like to try and move forward a bit so will see how that goes. Maybe now that the cross stitch focus for this month is finished I can work on something else for a little while.

I hope everyone can find that bit of time to do something that makes you happy each day. It doesn't have to be anything big but at least spending a little bit of time doing something that helps you regain your focus is important. Being able to relax is what is important and having that bit of time does help.

This week I am not certain what I will be working on other than the Lamina Wrap but I hope to have some progress to show you next week. Have a good week and hope your weather is cooperating.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Getting closer to some finishes

Here it is the start of another week and there are a few things that I would like to get finished up quickly this week. It is going to be a busy week here but at least I hope to find a bit of time where I can spend some time working on my projects.

Last week I said I wanted it to warm up a little bit and now this week we are under an extreme heat warming with temperatures in the 30's Celsius and with humidex warnings into the 40's so it is going to be a hot week here. This means that I am going to have to work hard each morning to get things done before the heat makes it difficult to focus on work.

Of course, I will so be trying to make some progress on a couple of projects as I am starting to see that both projects are getting closer to a finish.

Star Touched Meadows Stitch Along - January - this is my cross stitch focus lately and I am starting to see that I am getting closer to having this piece finished. I have reached the 75% complete and only have four more colours to add into this project.

I am happy with the progress that I was able to make this last week on this piece and hopefully this week I can continue to add more of the colours and stitches to it. It does take a while to complete each of these months because of how many stitches there are in them. After January is completed, I think I might be picking up something different to work on for a little while just for a bit of a break from these pieces.

Lamina Wrap - this is the knitting project that got all the attention last week and I am loving how quickly I have been able to see progress on it. This piece has got quite a bit of attention over the last week and part of that is because I am enjoying working on it. Of course, I still have a way to go on the wrap because I am just working on the 18th lace section out of 25 so still a bit of a way to go on it.

I have been trying to add at least 12 rows a day to this wrap so that I can see progress on it and right now that does help see that I am getting closer to a finish. The one thing that I am not looking forward to doing is sewing in all the ends that I have. I do know that I am so happy with how the wrap is turning out and I look forward to seeing it off the needles and blocked.

Of course, I have a list of shawls and wraps that I would like to work on after finishing this project so I will see which one I pick to work on after this one is done.

Other projects - I have worked on a couple of other projects for a little bit but not enough to have any progress to show. Hopefully soon I will have enough done on something that it is worth showing but for now it is just a project that I have worked on in the car.

I hope everyone is finding that bit of time each day to do something that you enjoy. For me, it is my crafting that helps me recharge my personal batteries most of the time. There are other days where just sitting and watching the world go by that helps the most. It doesn't matter what I do as long as I take that bit of time each day to do something to help me recharge.

This coming week I hope that I can continue to move these two main projects closer to a finish. Seeing that both projects are getting closer to being finished makes me happy. We will see what I can get done this week and a lot of that will depend on how hot it is out and what I feel like doing.

Hope everyone has a good week and if you are dealing with extremely temperatures, please take care of yourself and remember to drink lots of water.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Making a bit of progress

Here it is the start of another week and I know that I have quite a few things that need my attention. Hopefully I will also be able to find some time to also get some crafting done. Of course, there is also work that needs to get done, so my crafting is something that I do after I get the work done.
The weather has once again cooled down, so not sure when we are going to be back to some late spring weather. It would be nice if the weather warmed up a bit, so I could enjoy sitting on our balcony and crafting. 

Star Touched Meadows Stitch Along - January - here is the cross stitch project that has been getting some attention. I am continuing to work on getting more of the sections or colours completed.

What I have been trying to do with this project is trying and complete a colour at a time. Given the sections repeat, it makes it an easy project to work that way. I am not certain if I will complete the rest of the project this way, but it is working out well currently.
It would be nice if I could see this section of the stitch along finished, given this is the January section and the June section has been released. I also know that I am not putting pressure on my self to keep up with this project, so that is good. Hopefully I will be able to continue to move this project forward a bit more, as it would be nice to see a couple more of the colours added.

If things go well, I will be able to get the other section of diamonds completed this coming week, and then it is just a matter of filling in the other smaller sections. I am continuing to focus on this piece for now as I do know that there is another project that I will be starting on August 1st so need to make sure that I have got things completed by then.

Lamina Wrap - here is the knitting project that has been my focus, and I am so happy with the progress that I was able to make on it over the last week. This has been my focus project over the last week, and I have been able to at least get more of the sections done. The lace sections are only 12 rows so they don't take a long time to do when you can focus on working on them.
I have been trying to get this project completed by the end of the month, so it means that it will be a focus until it is done. The pattern calls for 25 lace sections and given I am just on the 13th lace section I still have a ways to go before this piece is done. This week I hope to make a bit more progress on this, as seeing it closer to a finish would make me feel so much better. I do have a bunch more shawls and wraps that I would like to start, but I have decided that I am going to be working on them one at a time to ensure that I can see progress on something.

Other projects - I haven't been working on any other projects this last week, and part of that is because I have wanted to try and more these two projects closer to a finish.

I have been trying to at least take a bit of time each day to do something that I enjoy. It has helped me recharge my personal battery, so that does make me feel a lot better. Hopefully I will be able to continue to do that and see more things completed over the next while.

If things go well this week, I should have a bit of progress to show you next week on at least one of the projects. It would be nice to have both of them moved forward over the week, and that is going to be my goal. Until next week, please remember to take some time for yourself each day, as it is important to make sure we are caring for ourselves so we can be there for those around us.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Moving projects forward this week

Here it is the start of another week, and I can say that I have been able to move a couple of my projects forward in the last week. Now to see what this week is going to be like as I know that there are things that need my attention so will see what I can get done.

The weather hasn't been the best as we have been getting quite a bit of rain and the weather is still cool. Hopefully the weather will improve soon, and we will be able to enjoy being outside more.

Star Touched Meadows Stitch Along - January - here is the project that I picked up after finishing 324. This project I put down in March and it finally got a bit more attention this past week. I am happy with the progress that I have been able to make on it so far.

It feels better seeing that I have been able to pick up a project that I had on the go and finally make some progress on moving it forward. Of course, this is the January section of the stitch along and the June section was just released on Saturday so yes, I am way behind on this stitch along but that doesn't bother me. I am enjoying working on the various projects that I have on the go and will finish this entire stitch along at some point. I knew when I started it, I wasn't going to be keeping up. I do enjoy working on these pieces as they are an easy stitch, but they are full coverage, so they do take quite a bit of time to finish each of them.

I am going to be working on this piece as I would like to see it finished before too long. I still have a way to go on it but at least I am moving it forward again.

Lamina Wrap - here is the knitting project that I have been working on. It does knit up pretty quickly when I can sit and focus on it. Being able to work on each of the sections is a lot of fun and I am enjoying this wrap. The pattern calls for 25 lace sections, so I still quite a bit of knitting before I see the end of this project.

I hope to be able to continue to move this project forward a bit at a time as it does make me happy seeing that I have got the sections done. This hopefully will be my knitting focus for a while as it makes me happy when I can work on a project and see progress on it.

Other projects - I have been working on a couple of other projects a little bit but nothing major. Now what I want to do is try and keep a focus on only a couple of projects and move them forward. Seeing results like I have seen on these two projects this week makes me feel good.

I hope everyone is taking that bit of time each day to recharge your personal battery. It is important to take a bit of time for yourself to ensure you are able to be there for everyone else.

This week I hope to be able to continue to move my projects forward and will have a bit of progress to show you next week. Have a good week and I will be back next week with a bit of an update.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

English Paper Piecing - May progress

Here it is the end of another month and I have been able to make some good progress on at least one of the projects. Hopefully through the month of June I will be able to spend some more time working on moving a bunch of projects forward.

Popsy's throw - here is the project that got the attention in May and that is because I wanted to try and get some more of the motifs made so that I could work on joining them all together. 

The good news is I got the motifs made but I didn't get any of them joined together. Now that I have a bunch of motifs made, I am thinking that I should start to work on joining more of them together so that I can work on at least moving the entire project forward.

Other projects - I didn't work on any of the other projects that I have on the go so I need to figure out just how to move all these different projects forward. Of course, I keep thinking of other things that I would like to make but I need to get the ones on the go finished up first.

I am not certain which project or projects will get the attention in June, but I do know that I would like to see something moved forward. If you are working on some EPP, I hope that you are continuing to move your projects forward even if it is just a little bit at a time. 

At the end of the month, I hope that I will be able to have something to show you again. Just moving projects forward a little bit at a time is good and now to make sure that I can continue to do that. Have a good month and I will be back at the beginning of July to show you what I got done through the month of June.