Monday, June 10, 2024

Making a bit of progress

Here it is the start of another week and I know that I have quite a few things that need my attention. Hopefully I will also be able to find some time to also get some crafting done. Of course, there is also work that needs to get done, so my crafting is something that I do after I get the work done.
The weather has once again cooled down, so not sure when we are going to be back to some late spring weather. It would be nice if the weather warmed up a bit, so I could enjoy sitting on our balcony and crafting. 

Star Touched Meadows Stitch Along - January - here is the cross stitch project that has been getting some attention. I am continuing to work on getting more of the sections or colours completed.

What I have been trying to do with this project is trying and complete a colour at a time. Given the sections repeat, it makes it an easy project to work that way. I am not certain if I will complete the rest of the project this way, but it is working out well currently.
It would be nice if I could see this section of the stitch along finished, given this is the January section and the June section has been released. I also know that I am not putting pressure on my self to keep up with this project, so that is good. Hopefully I will be able to continue to move this project forward a bit more, as it would be nice to see a couple more of the colours added.

If things go well, I will be able to get the other section of diamonds completed this coming week, and then it is just a matter of filling in the other smaller sections. I am continuing to focus on this piece for now as I do know that there is another project that I will be starting on August 1st so need to make sure that I have got things completed by then.

Lamina Wrap - here is the knitting project that has been my focus, and I am so happy with the progress that I was able to make on it over the last week. This has been my focus project over the last week, and I have been able to at least get more of the sections done. The lace sections are only 12 rows so they don't take a long time to do when you can focus on working on them.
I have been trying to get this project completed by the end of the month, so it means that it will be a focus until it is done. The pattern calls for 25 lace sections and given I am just on the 13th lace section I still have a ways to go before this piece is done. This week I hope to make a bit more progress on this, as seeing it closer to a finish would make me feel so much better. I do have a bunch more shawls and wraps that I would like to start, but I have decided that I am going to be working on them one at a time to ensure that I can see progress on something.

Other projects - I haven't been working on any other projects this last week, and part of that is because I have wanted to try and more these two projects closer to a finish.

I have been trying to at least take a bit of time each day to do something that I enjoy. It has helped me recharge my personal battery, so that does make me feel a lot better. Hopefully I will be able to continue to do that and see more things completed over the next while.

If things go well this week, I should have a bit of progress to show you next week on at least one of the projects. It would be nice to have both of them moved forward over the week, and that is going to be my goal. Until next week, please remember to take some time for yourself each day, as it is important to make sure we are caring for ourselves so we can be there for those around us.

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