Swan - January 31st |
Here it is another week and now to see if I can continue working on getting things accomplished.
Swan - February 7th |
Swan - this is one of the projects that I did focus on early in the week. The picture doesn't show the amount of stitching that I accomplished as there was a lot of white stitches done in areas in front of the second swan. I now know where the reflection of the first swan is so that makes me feel great. I am going to work on adding more of the colours this week so hopefully then I will be able to see more of the reflection start to show up.
I am happy with the progress that I was able to make on Swan last week and not that I have taken a bit of a break from it I am going to try and focus on it more this week to see if I can get more of it done.
Linen and Threads Mystery SAL - Feb 4 |
Linen and Threads Mystery SAL - this week I was able to continue with the two threads a day on the piece and am slowly starting to see the February section of it come alive. I hope to be able to continue with the two threads a day through this week and maybe that will even mean that I will have the February section done by the end of next weekend.
Linen and Threads Mystery SAL - Feb 11 |
Once February is completed it means that I will have it all caught up and then will have to wait until the end of the month to see the next section released. I hope to be able to get it done this week and then I will decide what I work on after that while I wait for March to be released.
Small blackwork - Feb 10 |
Small projects - this week I also decided that I wanted to see if I could get a couple of quick projects finished. The first project I picked was a blackwork piece and it did stitch up pretty quickly so it is now done. I hope to make this into a little pillow and it will go into my cookie jar that I have for my small cross stitch projects.
Autumn - Feb 11 |
After finishing the blackwork piece I figured it was time to stitch another one of the seasons that I wanted to do. I finished Winter ages ago so figured it was time to add another season to the cookie jar. Autumn was another quick project that I started yesterday morning and quickly finished it in the afternoon.
As you will notice that I haven't worked on my Temperature piece for the last week and that means that I am now behind. I think that this week I will see if I can at least get that caught up again so that I can see more of it moved along. I had planned to stitch on Temperature every couple of days but it didn't work like that this past week so now to get back to keeping it up to date.
This week I hope to be able to spend some more time stitching in the evenings while I watch the Olympics. I have a bunch of things that I need to do for work so those have to get done first but the evenings I hope to be able to sit and relax.
My plans this week are to see if I can get Mystery SAL moved forward and maybe get February finished and then work on Swan and Temperature. I will see if anything else catches my attention because it was nice to see that I was able to get a couple of little things also completed this past week.
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