Quotes to Live By - Feb 17th |
A week of focus was what I was trying to do and I think I kind of accomplished that. I decided to try to work on basically one design for most of the week and it feels good.
Quotes to Live By - Feb 26th |
The project that did get most of my attention was Quotes to Live By because I wanted to see if I could get the top section done before the end of this week and I finally did. I still haven't finished the first part of the pattern but I hope to be able to make some progress on it over the next few days. I still have the border to work on and the first quote so I will see when I can get those sections done. I am happy with the progress that I made this week on this piece. Once I get the first quote done I will have the January part of the stitch along completed and then there is February and soon March to do.
Linen and Threads - Feb 20th |
After spending most of the week working on Quotes to Live By, I decided that it was time to try and get a bit more stitching done on Linen and Threads - Mystery Stitch Along so that is what I did last night. This piece is going slowly just like Quotes to Live By but I figure once I can get the first section done things will start to progress a little quicker.
Linen and Threads - Feb 26th |
I still haven't started working on the second half the first section of this pattern yet as I decided to see if I could get the first half done and then I will work on doing the right hand side of the pattern. Again this is just the January section of the stitch along so yes I am behind on this one as well.
As I have been focusing on cross-stitch for quite a while now I figured it was time to have something else on the go as well so I started a rectangle granny square afghan. The picture doesn't show the teal very well but I am working on this while I am watching the various webinars that I do for work. Having something to work on that doesn't take much concentration means that I can focus on the webinar but I am not tempted to do other things on the computer during the webinar.
Teal and white rectangle afghan |
This afghan was something that I had thought about doing as it will work well in my office area as I do like having something that I can throw over my legs or shoulders if it gets cool. My office area is also a place where I read sometimes so the afghan will be around when I want to curl up and relax. I got this yarn as part of a Christmas gift and have wanted to work on it since then but of course everything else gets in the way and I never sat down and started working on it. Well, I shouldn't say that because I tried one pattern but it took too much focus so it wasn't going to work as the project that I could work on and see some quick results so this is the second attempt of an afghan with this yarn.
Of course, work and studying is also keeping me busy but I try most evenings to find a little bit of time to stitch because it does help me regain the focus I need for the next day. That hour or two of just sitting and relaxing can really make a difference on how I approach the next day.
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