Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What have I been up to

Tea Time - Kathrin Ellison
So, what have I been up to lately?

I have been trying to do a lot of different things lately to get the thumb bending like it needs to do.  The biggest challenge is finding something that I can do easily at a given time.  With my thumb I have had to be very careful lately so that I don't overdo anything that I have been doing.  The good news is each day I am seeing progress on how the thumb is feeling and even bending. 

The one project that I have found that works most days is my petit point that I picked up at the NeedleWorkers Marketplace in April.  As you can see I really don't have a lot more to do so will need to figure out something else that works well once this is done.  After I fill in the area you can see I have 10 rows at the top and bottom to fill in with the pink and then the project is done.  I am happy to see the progress that I have made on this project but also sad to see if coming to the end.

I have also found that I can crochet some which is helping as well because I am one of those people that has to have a few projects on the go at once.  I have only been working on granny squares since getting back to working some without the splint on.  My knitting needles haven't been used much since I hurt my thumb but hope that in the next couple of weeks I will be able to get to knitting as well.

Now to try and figure out what project will work for the next little while as I work on getting the thumb to bend to 90 degrees again.  It's been two weeks since I starting using the thumb a bit without the splint and so far so good.  Now to remember that I need to take it easy sometimes so that I don't overdo it.

Time for some tea.

1 comment:

Heather said...

It is looking good. I think I went too far out to the side, based on the size of the cardboard piece that came in the kit. It's too late now, though.

I'm glad your thumb is healing well.