Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stitch 'N Pitch 2011

Gitta's Gang
Last night a bunch of us from Gitta's went to Stitch 'N Pitch 2011 at the Blue Jays game.

It was a lot of fun and have to admit that I think a lot of the stitchers got some of their stitching done but considering the heat (32C) it was a little difficult to concentrate on what you were doing.

Our view
This is an annual event with the Blue Jays but this is the first time that I attended and have to admit that I am already looking forward to going next year.  Yes I am a baseball fan so maybe that has something to do with it.  Also being able to sit and stitch during the game was great and of course no one complained about someone stitching while waiting the game.

Some of the teasing ended up on me because I took a scarf to work on that I can do without looking at the work so was able to watch the game while also getting some of my scarf done.  One of the girls asked me if I could stitch any faster and of course we joked around about that because with the heat I was a little slower than I normally am.

There were also some prizes given away for those attending and the lady beside me won one of the prizes and Kathrin also won a prize which was great.

  My scarf did grow in size from when I took it out at the game.  I had 5 inches done before the game and by the time the game was over I had completed 26 inches.  I still have 34 more inches to go on the scarf but am happy with what I was able to do.  Now to see when I finish this scarf because it is hotter today than it was yesterday and it is really hard to even think of doing anything.

Hope everyone is staying cool.

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