Monday, February 3, 2025

Two finishes and some progress

Here it is the start of another week and another month. It is hard to believe that January is over, and we are now onto a new month. I was busy last week, but I can also say that I have been able to get some crafting in and that makes me happy.

It was a good week for me as I was able to spend some time working on projects and seeing progress on things. Hopefully this week I can have some good progress as well as I have a couple of things that I would like to move forward.

2019 Mystery Stitch-along - here is the first project that got some attention this past week. I knew that I didn't have a lot more of this piece to do so I decided that it was going to be my focus until it was completed. The butterflies had more stitches than I thought it them, but I was able to focus and get them all done.

It did feel good to finally see this project finished and it is one project that has been sitting around for too long but now all the butterflies are completed and the year has been put on it. Now that I have completed this piece, I can mark it as done on my list of projects to work on and I can figure out what the next project is going to be that comes out of the pile.

Pandemic - this is one of the large projects that I am going to be focusing on this year. I have four large projects that I hope to give lots of attention to over this year.

I am feeling good about the progress that I was able to make in the last week as I focused on one section instead of bouncing all over which I had a habit of doing in the past. Seeing a section come to life is nice.

Being able to stick to one area also meant that I was able to get a page of the pattern finished so I now have 6 of the 20 pages completed. I haven't done any of the backstitch that is needed on these pages but at least all the cross stitches have been done. Hopefully when I get the other four pages of this row done, I will work on getting some of the backstitch completed so that I don't have it all to do at the very end.

Welsh Dragon - after I finished the Mystery stitch-along I decided to pull out another project and get it finished. This project wasn't too hard to finish once I picked it up.

When I picked it up this past week, I only had the border stitched so the dragon needed to be stitched. It was easy to work on and before long I was able to get the dragon stitched and the backstitch completed so this is another project off the list of things to complete that I have started in the past.

It feels good starting to get projects that have been around for quite a few years done. Now to figure out the next project that is coming out to get completed.

Turkish Delight Shawl - this is the knitting project that I have been trying to focus on and move it forward. I am happy with the progress that I have been able to make on this shawl and am looking forward to picking it up again this week and seeing how much more of it I can get done.

There are four lace sections in the shawl, and I am now working on the third of those sections so hopefully I will be able to continue to move this piece forward and get it finished before too long. The pattern is relatively easy to do, and the lace section does look really nice when it is done.

Of course, I have already figured out at least one shawl that I will be knitting after I finish this one so that has been a lot of fun and it also helps keep me motivated to get this shawl done.

Other projects - given everything that I worked on in the last week I haven't worked on anything else. Being able to focus on just a couple of things at a time does make a big difference and I am seeing results of doing that.

I hope you are being able to see progress on the stuff that you are working on. It can be a challenge sometimes to see much progress but when you step back and look at a project you can see it has moved forward even a little bit. For me taking a picture at the end of each week that I have worked on a project helps me see the amount of progress that I made.

Hopefully you are finding a bit of time each day to recharge your personal battery by doing something that you enjoy doing. This week I will be picking up a different cross stitch project to focus on and we will see how much of it I can get done.


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