Saturday, February 1, 2025

English Paper Piecing - January progress

Here it is the first day of a new month and it is time to update you on how the English Paper Piecing projects are going.

Popsy's throw - I am continuing to try and spend a little bit of time working on this throw each month so that I can continue to get the motifs made. This month it was time to cut some more squares so that I can continue to get the motifs done. 

I was able to get one flower joined together and I have been thinking that I should start join the flowers that I have completed to the throw so that I can start to see what the throw is going to look like. Being able to see how the throw is coming along would be good because right now I have lots of motifs made, some flowers made and a very small start at joining the flowers together.

Other projects - I haven't worked on any of the other projects that I have one the go. I did look at the table runner as I need to get that ready for quilting so we will see what February is like. Hopefully I will be able to spend some time this month working on moving something forward. but time will tell. 

Have a good month and I will be back at the beginning of March to show you what I was able to get done in February.

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