Monday, August 13, 2018

Temperature is moving forward

Temperature - August 6th
Another week has come and gone and yes I was able to find a bit of time to get some stitching done and I am pretty happy with the progress that I was able to make on two projects this week.  Sure it would have been nice to see some more progress on them but I am not complaining because I have been able to get something done and that is what is important.

Temperature - now I have been trying to work on this project most days and I am continuing to try and get at least 4 half rows done each day through the end of August and I have been able to do that.  I am currently keeping up with that stitching and it makes me feel great as I am now seeing that June is starting to come together or at least the highs for June are getting completed.  I decided that I was going to try and work on one colour at a time instead of constantly changing colours and I think that is helping me because it means that I just work on one colour until it is done for the month and then I can start the next colour.
Temperature - August 12th

I am happy that I have the line at the bottom which is July 1st as it shows me that I am getting closer to having the highers done and then I will be able to work on getting the lows all stitched and then I will be able to get moving onto July and maybe getting a little closer to actually being caught up on this piece.
Linen and Threads Mystery SAL'18 - August 6th

Linen and Threads Mystery SAL '18 - I was able to get a few threads done on this piece this week as well.  I haven't been able to focus on it as much as I would have liked but at least it is continuing to see a bit of attention and that does help.  I am thinking that if I can spend one evening this coming week working on this I might be able to see some better progress on it.  I am not sure what evening I will be able to work on it but it would be nice to see that I am getting closer to having this section finished before the end of August.
Linen and Threads Mystery SAL'18 - August 10th

I have tried to figure out how to get this piece finished quickly so that I will have a bit of a break from it before the September section is released.  I figure focusing on it for a couple of evenings might help so that is why I have said I am going to try and work on it at least one evening this week and then I will see how things go.  For the size of this months section there is a lot of detail and maybe that is what is getting me.  I haven't been able to get into a rhythm on the piece yet so will see how things move forward.

I continue to get on a few other projects but until they are closer to being finished I haven't taken a picture of them yet.  I hope to be able to get these other projects also moved forward and then I can take some pictures and let you see what else I have been working on.

This week I again have work that needs to be done and then I am going to try and get some crafting done in the evenings.  Hopefully, I will have more to show you on the projects that I have been working on next week.  Until then, have a great week and hopefully, you will be able to also find a little bit of time to craft as well.

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