Monday, January 20, 2025

Progress and an older project comes back out

Here it is the start of another week and hopefully I will be able to make some good progress on things that I need to spend time working on. The month of January seems to be flying by so quickly.

It does feel good to say that I have been able to make some progress on a few things in the last week and I pulled out a project that I haven't worked on since 2020. Of course, there are so many projects calling for some attention but I am trying to limit what gets the attention, and what needs to just wait it's turn to get the attention that it deserves.

I continue to have the focus on some of the rather large projects, but I am also trying to get projects completed that have been on the go for a long time.

Mini The Forgotten - this project has continued to get the attention, and I am loving the progress that I have been able to make on it this month. Parts of me doesn't want to put it away for a little while as I have been enjoying it so much. It isn't going to be going away for very long, but I think it is time for me to work on another one of the large projects and see what I can get done on it. 

I do know that if I don't pull this back out this month it will be coming back out in February so that I can see how much of it I can get done. I am now looking forward to seeing how much of it I can get done this year.

2019 Mystery stitch-a-long - here is the project that I have finally pulled back out as I would like to see if I can move it forward some. It hasn't got any attention since December 2020 so now it is time to pull it out and see if I can get it closer to a finish. 

Of course, there are a lot of reasons why this piece was put away for a while but now I would like to see it completed. The nice part about this project is there are only three colours in the pattern, so it isn't too hard to work on. I am going to be trying to continue to focus on this piece so that I can finish all the butterflies and get it finished.

It did make me happy when I took the picture last night to see that I have completed three butterflies and am looking forward to working on getting more of them completed. Well, these butterflies aren't totally completed as I still need to stitch the antennas, but I will do that when I get a couple more of them stitch.

Currently, I am thinking this is going to be one of the projects that I work on this week, but we will have to see how it goes.
Turkish Delight Shawl - here is the new knitting project that I started last Friday. I hadn't been knitting very much since the beginning of the year so I figured maybe starting something new would help. Once again, this shawl pattern is by Helen Stewart, but it is using double weight yarn which is different for me. 

The shawl is working up pretty quickly and I am looking forward to picking it up again and see how much more of it I can get done this coming week. The pattern itself is pretty easy which is nice, and the lace section is a lot of fun to knit as well.

Other projects - no other project has got any attention this past week as I have tried to continue to stay focused on just working on only a few projects each week. I love having a knitting project as a focus as well as one or two cross stitch projects. It is nice seeing the progress that I have been able to make on the projects and I will see what I have to show next week.

I hope everyone continues to find that little bit of time each day to do something for yourself and recharge your personal battery. This week I know that I will be trying to work on my knitting as well as the 2019 Mystery stitch-a-long as it would be nice to see more progress on both of them. 

Have a good week and if things go well, I might have soma progress on at least a couple of projects to show you next Monday.

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