Roses - May 6 |
Here it is Monday morning, and there is a little bit of progress from the last week. It was a busy week, but at least most evenings I was able to find a little bit of time to stitch.
Roses - May 12 |
Roses - I continue to work on this piece a little bit each day, and it is slowly coming to life. I finished another page in the last week and am now working on getting another page finished before too long. I have touched the top of the design and also the centre of the top of the piece.
I hope to continue to work on this piece and will see how much more I can get done before the end of the month as I would like to have to move the q-snap before too long, but that still means some more stitching.
Spring Garden - Needlebook - May 3 |
Spring Garden - Needlebook - this is the project that I worked on when I met up with some friends for a stitch night. I was able to get a bit of work done on it but also had to take out one of the flowers as I had it in the wrong place. Now that it is corrected I am hoping to get some more of this piece done before the end of the month.
Spring Garden - Needlebook - May 8 |
I am enjoying how quick this piece works up, and I know that when I start to work on the outside border, it isn't going to be as fast a stitch, but at least I hope to have the centre of the entire piece done soon.
I hope to have the basket and the bunch of flowers completed before the end of the month, but if I don't, I can always continue to work on it next month. I don't have a deadline of when I want this finished so it is just stitching when I can on the piece.
Unleash the Butterflies - Apr 23 |
Unleash the Butterflies - I figured it was time to get Unleash out again to see if I could make a bit of progress on the page that I was working on. I was able to get one of the sections finished and will need to look and see how much more of the small page I have left to complete. I would like to have the bottom page finished before the end of the month, so that is what I am going to try and focus on the next time I pick up this project.
Unleash the Butterflies - May 9 |
Unleash the Butterflies is taking quite a while to get another page finished, and part of that is because I haven't done any focused stitching on it. I am looking forward to seeing it before the end of the month I can put in some time on this project and maybe see another page finished as well as progress on the next full page which I already have some work done on.
Hope everyone has a great week and you find the time to do the things that you love to do. I am not off to try and get some work done and then maybe this evening I will pick up my stitching and at least get a few stitches done on Roses and then will see what the rest of the week is like.
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