Demented Chain - Brenda Franklin |
So while sitting and thinking about what I have done in the last little while I thought about something that I haven't posted and really enjoyed. This was a workshop that I took at Gitta's in April done by Brenda Franklin. The course was called "Demented Chain" and I loved doing it.
What the class was, was taking an aluminum chain and adding beads to it so that you can use the chain for a name tag, eye glass holder so whatever you wanted. The class was just over two hours and I was so happy because by the end of the class I had completed by name tag lanyard and it is now ready to be used.
Since taking this class I have picked up some more chain and beading thread so that I can make some more items with this method. I think I may end up with some earrings and a necklace and not sure what else will come from this idea but I can say that I really enjoyed it.
Demented Chain - close up |
My crafting has been a bit of all over there lately so really don't have much to show because of that. In some ways I just can't seem to sit and work on a project for very long before changing to something else.
Ok, I know I am not a mono-crafter and I am sure not a mono-project crafter either. Of course I have quite a few projects on the go and keep thinking of other projects that I want to do. Maybe I should focus on getting a few of the started projects completed and then I can start working on some new things.
Well maybe it's time to turn off the computer and curl up and craft for a while today.