Saturday, September 11, 2010

Found a little time this morning

Well I am starting to check things off my list of things to finish for the competition so starting to feel a little better about things. Yesterday I was able to finish two projects so now just have 7 more to finish before the end of the month. (5 at home and 2 need to be picked up)

I know I said that I might not be around much but decided to give myself a bit of a reward and sit in front of the computer for a few minutes this morning. Also needed to check the sales flyer for Michaels so another reason I am on the computer.

I sat yesterday and worked on the projects and it felt so good and I have also got two more underway which shouldn't take me too long to do. Of course the ones out of my comfort zone are still sitting not started so I better get working on them so that they can be finished as I am not sure how long they are going to take to complete.

Maybe today I will try and work on the baby afghan that needs to be finished as it is something easy for me to work on and also it's for the competition. It isn't even half way done yet but I think if I can concentrate on it for a couple of evenings I should be able to make good progress on it.

Well time to get off the computer and pick up the crochet hook or knitting needles for a while.

More progress reports later.

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