Monday, November 3, 2008

Another Crazy Week

It's hard to believe that it's Monday already and last week is over.

The good news is I did finish knitting the hat and scarf set for the friend that was moving to Edmonton. The bad new is I wasn't able to give it to her as she didn't work last week like she said she would be.

Right now I have been trying to get all my craft supplies organized so that has taken up some time so haven't got anything done craft wise. Now to see what I can do this week as I would like to have something to show for all the time I have been spent crafting. I know that tomorrow I am planning on spending some time cutting out some pants for babies as one of the charities that I craft for needs some. I also need to finish off some preemie blankets and some receiving blankets so I better get busy on them.

Hopefully soon I will be able to start posting more pictures to show you what I have been working on instead of just talking about them.

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