Monday, April 1, 2024

Some progress and a couple of finishes

 Here it is the start of another week and yes, it's going to be a busy week for me but at least I know it before it starts. Hopefully I will be able to find bits of time where I can at least get a bit of crafting done but we will just have to see how things go.

The weather here is warming up a little bit so that is also a good thing because now I think we might be able to enjoy the spring after have about 6 inches of snow a week ago. The snow quickly melted so we are back to seeing the brown grass.

Alzheimer's Poem - here is a project that I wanted to get finished as when I wrote the last blog, I was getting a lot closer to a finish. This last week I did pick it up and it only took me part of a day to get it all done.

I am happy to have this piece finished as I did start it in 2020 so it's been hanging around for quite a while. I am not certain what I am going to be doing with it now but at least it is one project off the to-do list which does make me happy.

I started this project just after we were told my dad may have dementia or Alzheimer's and I wanted to do it for him. He never got to see it finished as we lost him in 2021. It is something that I will have to remember the journey that we had with him.

It is now going to be into the finish drawer for now and I will figure out what I will do with it later on. I am happy that I did finish it even if it did take me quite a while to do.

Las Vegas Sign - here is a start and finish in the last week. I started this cross stitch while sitting in the Toronto airport waiting to board a flight to Las Vegas. This piece got a bit of attention when we were away. I worked on it in the airport and then on the flight there and got 299 stitches in on it which made me happy. The next time I picked it up was sitting in the airport in Las Vegas waiting to board our flight home. As you can guess I didn't have a lot of energy or time to work on the piece while we were there. While waiting to board the flight home I added another 44 stitches to the piece.

I did want to get this project finished quickly and the piece isn't very big as it is roughly 2 inches by 2.75 inches. It was a fun piece to work on and it is another memory of our vacation to Las Vegas and walking the entire length of the Las Vegas Strip.

Half the Fun - here is another project that I wanted to start on vacation, and I did. As you can tell it didn't get much attention at all. This project was started while waiting in Las Vegas Airport for our flight home and I added an entire 28 stitches. This piece should get some more attention now that I am home and finished the Las Vegas Sign. Half the Fun is an Ink Circles piece and I am looking forward to working on it for a while.

Twelve Birds MKAL - here is the knitting project that I have started since getting home. You aren't going to be seeing my progress until after May 7th when the actual pattern is released but I can tell you that so far I am enjoying the project and am looking forward to seeing if I can keep up with this knit along.

I was originally going to do the Twenty Four Birds MKAL but last week Helen Stewart released the Twelve Birds MKAL so I decided that I would work on that one instead. It is a project that I think I am going to enjoy and hopefully I will be able to get it done quickly and then be able to show you what it looks like.

Other projects - I haven't worked on any other projects in the last week. It was a good vacation, and I took time to really recharge my personal batteries which I needed to do. Now to see what this week has in store as there are a lot of things on my list of things that I need to work on. 

I hope everyone has a good week and hopefully I will be able to make some progress on other things this week and will have something to show you next week. Remember to take that bit of time each day to yourself as it is important to ensure you are recharging your personal batteries so you can be there for everyone else.

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