Monday, July 8, 2024

Two finishes and some progress

Here it is the start of another week and yes, the heat and humidity are back again. It does mean that it is a little harder to focus on things but at least I know that I have been able to get a few things done.

I have been able to make some progress on my crafting which is good and now to see if I can continue to make some progress over the next couple of weeks. There are things that I would like to work on and now to see if I can spend some time giving them some attention.

Laver Shawl - this show has got some attention this past week and I am happy with the progress that I have been able to make on it. 

This is a simple knitting pattern to work on and it does work up relatively quickly so that is one good thing about it. Once I got to know what the pattern was it made for a simple knit and something that I could work on while sitting outside. I hope to continue to work on this shawl as it is getting close to a finish which would make me happy.

Penguin Greetings - this is the project that I was working on at the end of last week and I figured that it shouldn't take me very long to finish it up. As Monday was a holiday here in Ontario, I was able to spend some time working on the piece and before dinner I had got all the actual cross stitches in on it.

It was a lot of fun to work on and I knew that before long I would have the rest of it completed which was just doing all the backstitch that was needed to complete the piece. I decided to take a picture of the penguin before I added any of the backstitch as I wanted to see the difference and yes there is a considerable different in how the penguin looks now that all the backstitch is done.

The only thing left to add to this before I make it into an ornament is adding the "Merry Christmas" onto the strings that the penguin is holiday. I will be doing that once I have figured out how I am going to be finishing this piece.

Of course, once this piece was finished it was time to figure out which project would get some attention next, and it didn't take me long to figure that out.

Ramsay - here is the next cross stitch piece that I picked up and it was another very quick stitch which does make me happy. I started this little owl ornament on Saturday and by last night (Sunday) I had it finished.

I will be making this into a Christmas ornament as well and again need to figure out just how I am going to finish it. It was a fun piece to stitch, and I will be doing another couple of these owls as they are going to be ornament gifts this year. 

Other projects - I haven't been working on any other projects as I wanted to focus on getting some of these things completed which I did.

Of course, I have other things that I would like to work on so that means that I need to figure them out and then start working on them. Hopefully this week I will be able to figure out some of the other projects that I will give some attention to and maybe I will have something to show next week.

I have been enjoying a bit of time on the balcony most days and that is one of the spots where I can sit and enjoy working on something and recharging my personal battery. I hope you are finding that bit of time as well to do just that.

If things go well, I hope to have some progress to show you next week but time will tell. Have a good week and if you are dealing with the heat and humidity, remember to drink lots of water and stay cool. 

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