Monday, July 22, 2024

Making progress on things

Here it is the start of another week, and I was able to spend some time working on things that I wanted to work on.

The weather has been nice, and we have been able to enjoy some evening sitting on the balcony after work so that has made it that I am being able to recharge that personal battery in a nice way.

Pandemic - here is a project that came out for a bit of attention this last week. I have wanted to work on it for a while so figured that I would see how much of it I could get done over the last week. After lots of stitching I made a bit of progress in one small area of the design.

I will see when I pick up this piece again because I do have to get back to working on the Christmas ornaments so that I can get them done. Knowing that I have got the ornaments done would make me happy so will see how things go. We will see what I can get done this week as I would like to know that something got some attention.

Laver Shawl - I was able to work on this project for a while this week and I working on the second lace section. It does move forward quickly when you can sit and focus on it. Hopefully, I will be able to continue to work on this shawl because I don't think it will take me long to get it finished.

This project is a good one to work on either in the car or while sitting on the balcony because I don't have to look at the pattern very often which makes it a good relaxing project. I am thinking that I should put this shawl near the balcony door so that when I go outside, I can take it out with me.
I am enjoying having a simple shawl on the go because it is relaxing and something that I can make some good progress on without a lot of effort. If things go as I would like it I will try and have a simple shawl on the go most of the time so that I can just pick it up and work on when I need something easy to work on.

Of course, I have found a yarn dyer, Arcane Fibre Works, that I really like and what happens when you get a squishy package in the mail. I didn't have much restraint when the yarn arrived. I had said that I was going to work on the Laver Shawl until it was finished but something happened and now to explain that.

Forage Shawl - this shawl got started this past week when the yarn arrived. The yarn is so nice and soft and after it was sitting, for not even a day it was time to cast on and start another shawl project.

This project does need more focus, so it is something that I do enjoy working on when I have the time to sit and follow the project. It is a lot of fun to work on and I am enjoying how it is turning out. The actual design that is on the shawl will appear when it is blocked after the shawl is all finished.

Other projects - over the last week I have picked up my English Paper Piecing as well so have made some progress on that as well. It is nice having things that are simple to work on when other things in life are being a bit of a challenge.

Making sure that you can recharge your own personal battery is very important as it does ensure that you can handle things that get thrown at you. If things go well this week, I should have something to show you next week, but we will have to see how it goes.

Hope everyone has a good week, and you get the time for yourself each day.

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