Monday, November 11, 2019

Crazy week

Linen and Threads Mystery SAL'19 - Nov 6
Here it is Monday morning and the start of another week.  There isn't a lot to show for this past week as it is a little crazy.

Linen and Threads Mystery SAL'19 - it makes me happy to see that I have at least been able to get some of the stitching done.  It makes me feel good to see some overall progress on this piece.  It would make me feel a little better to get more of it done, so I will see how it goes.

I hope that this coming week, I can spend a bit of time working on this piece and see if I can get some of the borders finished up.  This border is the second to last section of the design, and it is the outer frame.  I am looking forward to seeing that the middle section of the border looks like, but I have to wait until December 1st to see that.

I haven't had a lot of time to work on any of the projects, so I will see how things go this week.  It would be nice to find a bit of time to work on at least a project, so we will see how things go.

It is now time for me to get some work done that is currently sitting here on my desk.  I hope everyone has a good week, and you find a bit of time each day to do the things that you love doing.

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